October 20, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 10/21/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 20, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 10/21/2021

10/21/21 is the number = 9

Add the 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 9.

The number 9 opens up a journey into the mystical, spiritual and artistic side of life.
It is known as a High Priestess position in Numerology. This number is about making sense out of intuitive knowing.

There are moments when things seem difficult to understand. We may find that shallowness is grating, and we may not want to hang out around those that are evasive or deceptive.

Today, we may notice that having a few great friends is better than having a lot of “fair-weather friends”

Watching the news is probably a “No-No!”

Negative energy is rejected. We may want to keep those that understand us close. Such things seem even more important today.

It seems when we look at the external world, that emotions are out of control. Do not let the state of the world make us fall into despair and gloom.

While going down emotionally is easy … pulling oneself out of that pattern is much more difficult.

This number reminds us that pain is an indicator that something is off, and it is up to us to tell ourselves the truth and make a conscious change.

Complacency is not advised. Speaking out when injustice is expressed is the doorway to competent change.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon shifts out of assertive Aries and into the calming and soothing sign of Taurus today. This allows for a steadier motion in our life.
While here in Willits, it is raining, I love to just be at home, and cook, and clean. All perfect things for a wet and soggy day.

But Uranus is in Taurus and that keeps making certain things unpredictable.

While on one level there is a calming motion. On the other level there is an odd sensation that is difficult to explain.

We add the fact that Pluto and Mars are moving closer to a square. The full impact of that is tomorrow, but the chances are that you would feel it today.

This brings a sense of fun and a momentary feeling of having some semblance of control.
There are still a lot of things that will continue to frustrate, but this is a small pattern that will help us get some things done.

Any feeling of wanting to override others with your own agenda will fail.

For some this pattern will trigger a sense of dissatisfaction, frustration, and upset.

Some things are feeling very stuck. And while an argument is futile. It is going to create situations that continue an old conflict. It is always best to stay flexible regardless of circumstances.
Try to not push. Some things are not worth the energetic cost that the outcome will require.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Watching the trout swim in the swirling waters of the creek.
Mesmerized by the reflections of light and scales.
Imagining that I could pick them up as I wandered barefooted in the icy cold water.

The trout thick like a waving carpet in the mossy water. Pooled together in the eddies resting.

Oh, the times of childhood.

The magic and wonder of nature inspired delight.

Sitting on the rocks at the edges of the creek
Playing with the moss and a stick.
Imagining mysterious places where I could hide and watch.
Wishing for life to be like this always.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I remember my father driving us in the summer, all night from Dallas, Texas to the beautiful location of Creede, Colorado. This was his only two-week vacation he had all year.

I was small and they would pack the station wagon creating as space on the driver’s side in the cargo area at the back for me to sleep. There were no seat belts where I was. My sister would sleep in the back seat and spread out.

I wondered at how he could stay awake all night driving through the flat and endless West Texas landscape.

But he did it every year. He never faltered.

And we would wake up to the beautiful trees and forests of Colorado.

It felt like magic.

But in those areas in the summer, we would get afternoon thunderstorms. For many of those childhood years, we used tents rather than a camper.

We would be driving in the rain, and I would voice my concern that setting a tent up in the rain would be difficult and miserable.

But my dad would smile and point at the sky saying, “You see that blue spot up there separating the clouds? That is where we will be pitching our tent.”

And like magic we would get to where we were going, and sure enough it would be dry, not raining, and a clear sky.

I thought he was like a God!

I believed he could magically do all that for us at his whim. Like snapping his fingers.

There were many things that told me how amazing my dad was. Many things that I never knew, that did show up as I got older.
But youth is idealistic and because my father worked out of the country and traveled extensively in my childhood, when he arrived it was a celebration to have him home.

I am much like him. And I credit many of my skills with people to his influence.

He would come in a room, with a bright and smiling face. He would make everyone laugh and the entire energy in a room would shift. He could make anything into an interesting story or interlude.
He carried a charisma that is hard to explain.

Later, I would realize how much effort that took for him and as he got into retirement and was having heart problems.
He had less desire to engage with those that he did not know or feel comfortable around.
I learned that he was tremendously insecure regardless of his amazing external personality.
Retirement for him meant that he was no longer required to be the life of the party. Though he still was if he showed up.
In retirement he preferred a quieter lifestyle and shunned stressful people and situations that made him uncomfortable.

As a child, when we would get to Colorado and the North Fork, Clear Creek Camping area, we would set up and do outings or excursions in and around that area.

There was a fabulous fishing hole at the bottom of the waterfalls that are well known there.

To get to it, one had to bushwhack through the fallen trees using the branches as handholds, down a steep decline.
It was a spectacular spot, pristine, private and the trout down there would be the length of my arm now.
And there were hundreds of them.

I was never really a fisherwoman. I wanted to sit and play along the riverbank, dreaming of being an elf in my own private forest.

My sister could catch a fish as fast as my father could string them.

I remember at one point my father, laughed and said, “Mary Kay, give me a chance to catch a few also!”

And my mother had a huge cast iron fry pan that she would then cook those trout over the fire with cornmeal and flour.

You never tasted anything so wonderful as those trout.

It is a shame that when I was an adult, the trout got Whirling Disease, and many died.
I have never seen that many trout in those creeks since.
Two years ago, I took my mother and her oldest friend on a trip to Colorado, for their last big trip. They were both in their eighties.

I am so glad I did that. We had such an amazing time. I made sure we saw all our famous old spots and we went on Jeep tours and visited where we left my father’s ashes in that very private spot off the Clear Creek Waterfall.
My mother wants her ashes spread there also when she dies.

Those summer adventures were a perfect and precious time when I was a child.

I honor the effort such a trip took with all the planning ahead, preparing, and packing.

I honor that my parents knew that as my father only had two weeks of vacation a year that we had to make the most out of it.
And we did.
So that now, we have memories that have lasted a lifetime.

~Suzanne Wagner~



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