Numerology/Astrology for 10/25/2021
10/25/21 is the number = 4
Add the 1 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4.
The negative side of the number 4 is a type of discontentment. While the number 4 wants perfect balance, neutrality, and inner peace … life is rarely in that divine place. Especially now, our world is not neutral. That makes a type of discomfort that can eat away at those most sensitive of places.
My phrase that I remind myself constantly is that, “Peace is in an internal state not an external circumstance.”
We can find peace and let go of the mental conflict when we learn to surrender into this moment and accept life as it randomly flows.
I find it is about acceptance. Sometimes my mind tries to find reasons, excuses, and justifications for why things are happening. I know from experience this never goes in the direction that will bring peace.
It usually allows me to go into blame instead.
I find I cannot avoid the truth of my choices or actions, ever.
I learn by making those mistakes.
I learn to pay more attention to little things when big things go off kilter.
Ownership of all our actions is the basis for peace. When I own up to my mistakes and actions, it allows me to accept my failures and make necessary changes. Refusing to accept failures and those crucial lessons along the complex patterns of karma only allows us to remain stuck in the denser places of consciousness. That ends up putting me in a small, dark room with no way out except that door labeled “acceptance”.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in Gemini until later this evening.
That gives us a bit of enthusiasm and support to make those ideas have substance because of Jupiter and Mars connecting with the Moon.
Be supportive and give others your faith and belief in them that they will be able to accomplish their goals.
Perhaps in their sharing, you might have an insightful idea that makes what seems impossible, possible.
Uranus and Venus will biquintile and that will help us appreciate the individual and unique qualities of others.
Mars and Neptune find very original and creative ways to express the next shift that is arising.
It is best to not take things from a confrontational approach as a more personal and sensitive engagement is being asked of us.
This evening the Moon goes into Cancer, and it will connect with a Sun/Moon trine, showing us the doorway to those places inside that want to have a life with great meaning and depth.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The rain howls outside.
It is a wail that Mother Earth cannot hide.
The water pours down from the darkened skies.
The forces of Nature refuse to compromise.
We forget that rains are a renewal to baptize.
Those who forgot who is in charge need to realize,
That we are just here for a short time.
Nature tries to show us this new rhythm and rhyme.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I must admit that I love a storm.
Ever since I was a child, the thunderstorms of west Texas were spectacular events that demonstrated the power of nature.
I could feel the energy building up and it was all I could do to not leap outside and run across the fields as the storms came in.
I knew I was a part of that storm, and I was not ever afraid that any storm would hurt me.
I have stood at the edges of canyons in Utah, as purple lightning struck the cliffs all around me. As I screamed with the storm in excitement and enthusiasm.
Thunder was a permission from nature to make loud noises.
I loved the light show. I loved the sounds booming as they went through my body.
The sounds penetrated my physical body and expanded out of my core shaking loose stuck energy and emotions.
I was the storm.
I was the sound.
I was the booming energy that electrified the air.
Storms were always magic to my soul.
I loved the double and triple rainbows of Colorado when I was a child.
I believed that rainbows formed when two people truly fell in love. And nature wanted to celebrate with a spectacle of color, light and sound.
I loved the geography of places like Machu Picchu because rainbows formed there almost every day. The moist air from the jungle hitting the cooler air of the high glaciers made displays unlike anything I have seen anywhere else.
Many years later as I was learning the Mayan Astrological symbology, I was not surprised to discover that I was a Polarized White Storm.
The Guru’s had said since my 20’s that I was like a baby, white tornado.
Swirling positive energy and ecstatic change in the world.
An unstoppable force for what is good in the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Below are the words from my Mayan Astrology
I polarize in order to enlighten
Stabilizing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the lunar tone of challenge
I am guided by the power of free will
I am the crown of creation,
Infused with the blueprint of solar mind.
I am a Godseed, the reflection of cosmic consciousness.
I am love made visible!
I am the Blue Storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain,
And the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality.
I am the purifier of the body temple that ignites the light body.
I disintegrate the processes of separation and move them into ascension.
I am the rebirth of a planetary dream.
I am the living model of the new reality.
I am the emissary of great change.
I am the transformer of the collective myth.
I weave the loom of reality for better relationship.
I utilize the powers of cooperative alliance.
I shine bright when polarities become whole.
I am the pulse of universal source.
If you want to find your Mayan Astrology, go to:
~Suzanne Wagner~