October 27, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 10/28/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 27, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 10/28/2021

10/28/21 is the number = 7

Add the 1 + 0 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7.

The number 7 supports us in learning those mental patterns of self-control that allow us to study in greater depth and meditate.
This number wishes to discover insight and mysteries hidden within writing, teachings, philosophies, and spiritual practices. It wants to answer the eternal question of “Why?”

This is a number the desires to bring greater awareness to things in life that attempt to be the instruments of prophesy, intuitive depth, and magical skill.

The key to fully understanding the depth inherit in some tools is to relax, be flexible, and to let go.
While the mind wants desperately to understand, it is in the surrendering to the flow of energy within certain sciences and beliefs that the deeper answers arise.
As souls, we recognize that many things have precise patterns of life and in how they engage with the world.

This number tries to attune us to those mysteries so that we can discover new levels of understanding and recognize the complex levels of awareness that are possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon shifts from Cancer and into Leo (as most of us are still asleep).
But that gives today greater vitality and enthusiasm.

Venus semi-squares to Saturn early and then will sextile to Jupiter later in the day.
Venus and Saturn will breed some discontent and a lack of confidence.
Do not feel bad if you feel a bit awkward. Certain things in life may make us feel prickly and cynical.
Try to stay cool and in the observation of things that unfold today.
For some this energy can make them feel anxious and troubled.

Fortunately, we have Venus and Jupiter trying to get us to relax and get into the flow with more joy.

This combination can make you feel as if you are going up and down.

Intend to be cooperative and accepting of others.
There are a lot of shifts happening so be kind and give where you feel compelled to help.

This energy can make romance spring up and make small things fun and interesting.
This is a hopeful feeling that supports us in giving into a bit of shopping!
Neptune and the Sun will have a minor square in the evening and that may make us lose concentration. But this aspect is great for artistic and spiritual practices, as facts don’t seem to matter as much.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Ghouls and goblins get ready to fly.

Laughter and fears seem on standby.

Halloween is on the way.
A time when spirits are close to the doorway.

That passage between the living and the dead.

Connects us to those who know what’s ahead.

As the darkness increases and the cool settles in.

It is time to listen to those voices within.
Many answers can be found.

But we must listen closely to the sound.

Of all those who have passed before.

While there is a crack in time and an open door.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Many years ago, when I was in my 20’s, I was hiking on a trail in Canyonlands. It was the fall season, and it was cool.
(I preferred to hike in that area in the fall, as the bugs and biting flies are not out.)

It was a new trail that I had never been on.
In that area the trails are marked with cairns. Which are piles of rocks put in places on the hard sandstone, so you know where the trail is.
It is important to follow them because the landscape is such that you can get easily lost in this barren desert area.
Water is hard to find, and you really don’t want to get lost. I have been lost a few times in such environments and it is very disconcerting.

I am walking and just letting my thoughts wander, when I come around a strange angle of a hill and catch a glimpse of a pueblo tucked into the shaded side of a cliff.

It was small about 4 rooms. But it was clearly there. I pulled out my map, and I did not see any pueblos in this area or on this trail.

I wondered if I had somehow gotten off the trail, but I could see the cairns behind me and in front of me. So, I was on some trail. I thought, “Perhaps this was not the trail that I thought I was on.”
Then off to my left, I could see a very faint trail that wound up the hill and went to the pueblo. It was on a fin of sandstone with a drop off on either side.

And something made me want to walk up there.
I made a few of my own cairns on my way up, just to be sure I could find my way back down.

I got up there and it was a spectacular view. The ruins were in amazing shape considering the age of them. Pottery was everywhere and I even found an arrowhead.

But I know enough from my shamanic training that it is best to not take things from such spots and usually best to not even touch them. Because when an archeologist comes back at a future date, you want them to have such a space as intact as possible.
I looked at the surrounding landscape and tried to mark on the map where this pueblo was so I could talk to the ranger about it. Just in case they did not know it was there.

That was when I noticed the weather taking a dark turn. Clouds were rolling in from a distance, and I could see rain.
Not a good time to be on slickrock or wet sandstone. Such moments can be dangerous and flooding in these areas can happen suddenly.
With the changing of the weather there was a distinct feeling of being unwelcome in this place.
I could feel a dead person insisting that I leave and leave now!

I grabbed my gear and started down the fin when the storm’s wind hit me hard.

It blew so strong I almost lost my footing multiple times. I literally felt as if that dead person was trying to push me off the cliff.

I summoned all my spiritual forces and pushed back. Saying into the wind that I was not being disrespectful and that I had done no harm to this place.
The spirit was clearly a warrior male. And not happy with me.

I could see him above me, standing on the trail with his arms folded and glaring at me angrily.

I managed to make it down to the main trial and turned back towards my car as the wind literally came and push my back so hard that I was almost running from the bursts of wind.

I got back to my car just as the rain started to hit and drove to the ranger station.

I went in and talked to the ranger about the pueblo that I found and showed him where it was on the map.

He told me that there was no pueblo there as he walked that trail all the time.

I insisted that it was there and that there was pottery and arrowheads and that some archeologists needed to preserve those ruins and take measurements.

He again told me that there was nothing there.

I think he thought I was nuts.

And I started to wonder if that were true.

In the spring, I went back to that spot. I parked the car in the same place and walked up the trail. But I also did not see any fin going up, no pueblo, and nothing to show that I had left cairns going up a cliff.

To this day, I don’t know what happened.

Perhaps I got caught up in a time warp of some sort that opened a dimensional doorway into another place.

Perhaps that pueblo is well hidden and hard to see from any angle but the one that allows you to see it.

Perhaps there is a magical energy or shaman that protects that spot and has made it invisible to others.

Honestly, I don’t know the answer.

I believe I was there. I believe I saw what I saw.

I believe some spirit conjured up a storm to get me off that mountain and away from that pueblo.

I believe that it tried multiple times to push me off the cliff as I was leaving the pueblo.

There are things that we do not understand.
I know that periodically dimensional doorways open into other places and spaces. I do not know why they do this or how it happens. But I have experienced it for myself many times.

Life is a mystery.

What I know is that this moment in time, is not the only one.

What I know is that times overlap. And there are moments when you get a glimpse out of one reality into another.

It is a very real thing but one that is hard to explain.

And when I have accidently stepped from one reality into another, it throws me. The energetic shift makes me feel off-balance and as if my electrolytes are not right.

During that event, I stayed in my car for 15 minutes in the rain, trying to make sense of it all and trying to calm down. I knew driving was not advisable until I reclaimed my center.

Even with my attempts at finding my center again, I do not remember getting from that parking lot to the ranger station. It is all a blur.

That is how I know something was happening to me.

What that was, is still something that I cannot completely explain.

But I think about it from time to time.

Perhaps there are moments when we are time travelers.

Perhaps there are moments that holes in time present.

Perhaps there are those that can step from one into another.

Or perhaps we can exist in various places and spaces simultaneously.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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