Numerology/Astrology for 10/29/2021
10/29/21 is the number = 8
Add the 1 + 0 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 17. 1 + 8 = 8.
The number 8 can be about loss and sadness. But it can also be about recognizing the abundance in your life.
Today, I want to pull it that way.
There is so much negative in the news. But what about appreciating what we do have for a moment?
I know that many of us can see that things are missing from store shelves.
What do we do if we can’t get something familiar?
We try something new.
Try doing it homemade instead.
Okay, we don’t get our normal short cut, but we can make homemade pasta sauce. And we can support the local growers and farmers by going to the farmers markets and the independently owned Health Food Stores in your area.
Who needs so much toilet paper if you put a bidet on all your toilets?
There are ways to get us to look at things differently.
I think that is probably a good thing.
How about discovering some new things? Such as homemade pasta sauce with Heirloom Tomatoes. It is way better than anything in a jar (besides I put a little sherry in mine).
We discover that we can allow worry and fear to guide us forward or we can learn to enjoy being more creative and doing things in an old fashioned way.
Appreciate the little things. Appreciate that you have tools and abilities that have been passed down for centuries. There are always ways that we have not considered.
Tap into those memories and wisdoms that were passed down to us by our ancestors. Discover that there is great joy in doing things ourselves.
What I love is that we get to use our brains to plan ahead and take more time. But in the end, things can be better than ever.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon progresses in the sign of Leo making things in life push us forward in pleasing ways. But it will bump up against Uranus in a square and that makes us be a bit rigid and irritable.
When one more problem comes up, do your best to not get irritated. While it may seem unfair, and make things difficult, embrace the ongoing challenges regardless. Limitations just indicate that we are at an edge of our prior reality.
There is always something we need to reach for.
There is always a place for growth.
We just need to lean into it.
The Moon and Mercury approach things with a more convivial attitude. Expect to have deeply insightful communications with others. Let yourself explore the possibilities.
The Moon in Leo gives us the faith and belief in our capacity to get things done.
But there keep being a few things that seem restrictive and cause delays and interference.
Embrace the obstacles. Embrace the joy. Embrace the challenges of life. Know that while comfort is nice, confidence grows from dealing with things and overcoming problems that present.
If we want to build anything in our life, it will come with challenges. That is just how the reality is and the truth of life. The more we want … the more we will need to step up in responsibility and see things from a perspective that includes potential problems.
~Suzanne Wagner~
We look past this moment into the light of the infinite.
We live this life and know that while this existence will come to an end, the energy and wisdom gained in this life will continue on and evolve for infinity.
We continue to exist because we are energy having a physical body.
We are not a body but a spark of the divine that is enlivening this physical structure.
What a gift to see life in this form.
What a gift to be alive in this reality.
What a wonder this moment is.
And what stories we will tell from this experience.
~Suzanne Wagner~
There are some that do not appreciate Halloween.
I used to be one of them.
Life seemed scary enough without needing to consciously trigger more fears.
But I realize that fear is a feeling that runs through the body and is something that makes us wake up and feel more alive.
And this holiday was originally not just about being scared.
It was a holiday to embrace the connections between the living and the dead.
This is a holiday celebrated in all cultures for thousands of years.
A moment when we remember and give thanks to the ancestors that gave everything so that we could be here.
While commercialism has taken over in many ways, the real meaning of this time has always been about respecting the dead and realizing that there are moments when the veil is thin and the connection to the other side is permeable.
Learn to listen to what is on those other sides.
Learn to notice the whispers that are trying to reach past all the noise of this physical life.
Learn to allow the mind to wander and explore a possibility.
Learn to let forces (beyond the known) give ideas and insight to current problems.
We are never alone.
We are a part of a great universal consciousness.
There are infinite possibilities that are at our fingertips.
We just need to learn to embrace what is available and the wisdom that comes from all our ancestors from ages past.
~Suzanne Wagner~