October 30, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 10/31/19 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 30, 2019Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 10/31/19

10/31/19 is the number 8. Happy Halloween. As the days get darker and the nights get longer, everything is calling you to go inward. I often feel like a bear this time of the year. I want to hibernate. I am one of those people that when the light comes up…. I wake up. When the sun goes down …. I fall asleep. It is a moment to catch up on the sleep. Allow yourself to gently fall into the calm darkness that is calling you to feel what you pushed aside in your busyness. When we slow down often it is the emotions that are inconvenient that surface. Under stress each of us have to prioritize how much energy we have to put into certain things in our life. Often others emotions and the care for children, family, and mates becomes a greater priority than our feelings. But eventually we need to play a game of catchup and take the time necessary to explore the truth of what we are feeling or avoiding feeling. Admitting is always a good thing. Especially admitting to yourself what you have been feeling. While it is (at times) a shock to notice that we are holding anger, resentment, despair, grief, etc.. It is also a very good thing to do because when you touch hidden emotions they transform and become allies in awakening and awareness rather than burdens to carry forward.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Mercury begins to go retrograde in Scorpio today. While Halloween can be a bit spooky this retrograde is also going to cloud your thinking and add to confusion. It will continue to do this through November 21. It is best to surrender to the depth that this aspect is drawing you into. Communications may seem to be intentionally twisted and distorted. Check all things out before buying into another’s reality. All things need to be backed up with scrupulous checking and double checking. Opinions are not facts and a clear line needs to be drawn at this time. Meditation is a good way to navigate this time and just know that you are rewiring old patterns that are no longer useful. Misjudging and jumping to conclusions has a high potential. When you are uncomfortable know that you need to stop and reserve judgment first. Think before you open your mouth. Remember, words can wound.

The Moon is in flexible Sagittarius until bedtime tonight, at which it goes into the more serious sign of Capricorn. So for the next few days, you may feel more serious, focused, and determined. Focus your intentions externally because personal life may be under more stress. Do your best to not probe too much with your questions. Others might feel accused by your approach.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Admitting is always a good thing.
Especially admitting to yourself
what you have been feeling.
While it is (at times) a shock
to notice that we are holding anger,
resentment, despair, grief, etc..
It is also a very good thing to do
because when you touch
hidden emotions they transform
and become allies in awakening
and awareness rather than
burdens to carry forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~


I know that we have a great potential being human.
I know that there is a spark of goodness in everyone.
I know that the journey in this human form is to
express that love and light to others in a way
that serves them rather than serves yourself.

Do you favor looking for the light or the dark?
Do you support truth or opinion?
Are you independent or controlled?
Are you free or a slave of others?
You have intellect and choice.
The question is if you are using them.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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