Numerology/Astrology for 10/5/20
10/5/20 is the number 10.
If you add the 1 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10.
There is a part of you that is consciousness. It is that part that never changes. It is that part that was aware and present when you were 5 years old and is present right now if you stop to observe. There is power when you have the awareness of your soul while you have to live, breathe, and deal with your human self, your ego, and your normal daily routine. When all those work together you have a miraculous and wondrous life. When one or more is ignored you just do not have the power, juice, perspective, or insight that allows for great connection between yourself and your world. Use the energy that is offered today. Never miss an opportunity to become a more unified and complete human being. Often that is painful to connect to the raw reality that is out there. But denial makes you vulnerable to those that want to control you in your passivity.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in Taurus and you long for those sensual connection and the things that help you relax and drop into a more comfortable place.
Venus and Jupiter want to play in the way that is more about pleasure and a game to seek out something that has been missing in your life. While it might end up being a game of “Hide and Seek” and a waste of time, there is something satisfying about recreation. So really it might be a good break from the reality. You can magnify what you feel and your wants and desires are more on the surface. Be aware that you might overstate things and then not be able to follow through on the offer. So don’t offer from that place of spontaneity because you might be perceived as hasty.
Mars and Vesta trine helping you to put more effort and energy into your endeavors. Be self-directed and you will end up with something meaningful.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I believe that when we leave this world,
we should aim for having the lightest
heart possible, clinging to nothing,
giving everything, and leaving a
legacy of love in our wake.
~Suzanne Wagner~