Numerology/Astrology for 10/8/20
10/8/20 is the number 4.
If you add the 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4.
Balance (the number 4) is going to be hard to maintain in this storm of astrology happening for the next 80 plus days. So see this day as a test to maintain your equilibrium in the rising storm.
Be like a sailor knowing that he is going into huge waves. He can see them and is preparing his boat to handle the increased waves and wind.
There are moments when you cannot go around a storm nor can you run away from an approaching storm.
This storm is going to catch us and it does not help to panic. It is best to remain as calm as possible so you can think quickly and clearly. Unprepared minds face the greatest internal conflict because of the raging fear. Prepared minds saw the storm coming for a while, have been here before, know what to do, recognize that all storms are different, and are willing to adjust from a place of centered wisdom and experience.
I personally feel deeply calm. I know the flavor of this type of storm. I have been here many times before. I understand the nature of the beast driving this storm forward. I know the intention of this beast and I know that this beast offers nothing that I want at this time in my life. So the choice is crystal clear and easy to sit with. I know my skill. I know who I am. I know my boat. I know what I can and cannot do. I know my opponent and I recognize that regardless of how things look … we are all one and merging into a new expression of evolution is coming.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
I know I have said it before but I will say it again. The next 80 or so days intend to be some of the most intense any of us have lived through. This astrology is astounding in so many ways.
Let’s start with an overview of a few things.
Mercury is going retrograde on Oct 13 and will last through Election Day, November 3rd. As Mercury is the communication guru and its energy is going haywire in the intense and emotionally volatile sign of Scorpio, I expect leading up to the election to have a level of emotional volatility that has never been seen in any recent American election. Who would have believed in a short 4 years this would be where we are? Expect, obstruction of this election in shocking and unprecedented ways that you could have never conceived of 4 years ago. This is one reason that I keep saying that we will not know the outcome of this election till probably the middle of December.
Double check everything. Have a paper back up (ballots and schedules). Your computer might just glitch out and leave you with your hands up in the air and in shock.
Then it is combining with a retrograding Mars as it is in opposition to Mercury. And I assure you that the fireworks are going to start from this point going forward.
Then you get the Capricorn bundle of Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter as it tries to complete its cycle, but they are squaring Mars and squaring Mercury. This will magnify the power games and the struggles are going to go from bizarre to unimaginable. You think I am joking but I am not. The anger is rising like a volcano at an alarming rate. People are outraged on both sides. It will be impossible to not feel triggered. The bigger question is what are you going to do with that energy.
People are about to lose their homes, jobs, way of life, stability, all the things they have worked so hard for. And there is no help on the horizon.
But let’s look at today. This evening aggressive Mars is going to make a chilling square to the death/rebirth planet Pluto. This is not the moment to force your way or beliefs on anyone. I am a bit nervous what might happen in the news. We will have to see.
Financial tensions will continue to escalate, the drop is happening. You are going to feel the air stir in a different way. A storm is coming. One for the record books. Expect all interactions to feel loaded and reactive. Fear is escalating to a new high and do not expect cordial exchanges with those on the edge. There is no way to feel a sense of safety and satisfaction. You are standing at a cliff edge looking into a gaping maw that intends to escalate your deepest and darkest fears. Discomfort holds tight to your chest. You cannot see a way through this process except to jump into the discomfort. If you know who you are, you will surrender and allow your morals and values to carry you through to the next level of your evolution. If you are angry and aggressive you will refuse to budge and instead intend to throw others in. All things you have suppressed are on the surface. You cannot move consciously, safely, or constructively until you are willing to unpack the issues you have been hiding from the light of truth.
The Moon will leave curious George (Gemini) just before Noon and move into the rescuing sign of Cancer. There is comfort in connection with family. There is safety when everyone works together.
But because Venus quincunx to Chiron (the wounded/healer/teacher) you are going to feel awkward and want to figure out a way to express yourself more authentically.
Venus is a bit uncomfortable trying to minorly square Mars and Pluto. Making so many things feel like a push pull. There are things aggravating and irritating. People are cautious and suspicious.
We are beginning a huge downturn. Do your best to be as kind as possible.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Unprepared minds face
the greatest internal conflict
because of the raging fear.
Prepared minds saw
the storm coming for a while,
have been here before,
know what to do,
recognize that all storms
are different, and are willing to
adjust from a place of
centered wisdom and experience.
~Suzanne Wagner~