October 8, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 10/9/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 8, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 10/9/18

10/9/18 is the number 3. The number 3 asks you to find the place that intuitively knows how to reframe the negatives to a positive. The positive right now, is that people are inspired to vote and to feel emotions deeply. What is positive is that people know what their personal morals and values are in their life and they want to stand for something. What is positive is that we can all change and make a difference. What is positive is that right now, today, you can help someone in need. What is positive is that you are no longer numb and just existing. What is positive is that there is a global voice that is getting larger and larger. I hope that politicians listen to that voice before that voice erupts into destructive storm of chaos. All pure emotions are doorways to consciousness. All pure emotions bring you to enlightenment eventually.
Anger is a pure emotion and while there are those out there that want everyone to stop being angry, there is a real reason that justifies anger. Anger shows up when you are not heard and listened to. Anger shows up when others override your boundaries. At first you say calmly, “Please stop that behavior! It is making me angry.” When they don’t listen then you are obligated to get louder. “Stop It!” And if you continue to ignore those people they will eventually uncork and lay waste to the pattern that you are shoving down their throat. This is not my opinion. This is based on many psychological studies. Today, the voice of anger is very loud. And my concern is that those in power are not listening. That is a dangerous move and a risk that most would not attempt. Just remember the French Revolution.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

As the energy continues to amp up I wanted to go a bit further into this particularly important aspect. In a world of difficult choices, this one is attempting to allow a new you to emerge. But because it is Venus, that comes with a caveat, an open heart, honest introspection, and a willingness to explore your deepest needs and the motivations that activate your core.
All heart break in my life broke my heart open into a new place. Pain breaks down ego and belief and allows the possibility of integrated honesty.
The purpose of this astrology is to shake you up, tear down that self-righteousness, show the ugly truth of your addictions, obsessions, and obstacles, and to make you so miserable, desperate, and feel out of control that you have to transform your life into something truer that you can live with regardless of what is happening externally. At the end of the day, you will be judged for your actions and inactions, your choices and if those choices reflect life-supporting commitments or if you are all talk and yet you do not walk that talk at all.
Venus retrograde is pulling you consciously into the darkness that you pretend does not exist. She demands that you address your past wounds around love and acceptance. Needing and wanting acceptance so desperately is what leads some to make choices that compromise their truth and soul.
If you have been not talking in your intimate relationship, then this moment can cause a reckoning. How you handle that can lead to a breakup or a discussion of where someone needs to “grow up”.
The date to really watch out is, October 26, 2018.
The cycle of Venus Retrograde in opposition to Uranus is a once in a lifetime transit. That will last a longer time than normal, through the beginning of December. What normally lasts 5 days will go for 3 months. Therefore, this transit is going to be unusually disruptive. I am concerned as to how that is going to look in this presently volatile atmosphere in our country. While disruption is not necessarily negative and can be a good thing. It is always emotionally challenging.
Today, Mercury forms a minor challenging aspect to Neptune and Chiron in the morning, then it continues to head towards the Uranus Opposition. (which I spoke of just above). Expect your perceptions and conversations to be challenged. Expect your judgments to be shown to you on a silver platter.
Agreements will not seem to materialize, even when you want them to. Decisions are nebulous and uncertain. Words and their meaning are tricky. So be careful as misunderstandings abound. We are building into more rather than less confrontation.
Mercury goes into Scorpio today and will stay until October 31st. Admit it. Life is not fair…ever. This aspect seeks the truths that are hidden and secretive. Superficiality is thrown away in favor of deeper communications. Scorpio is exceptionally hard, sharp, profound, and analytical. It has a one-track mind and is obsessive. Know that before the Mid Terms this is going to continue to amp up. Notice your own obsessions and positions. Know that the pickle this country is in will not be solved by any result of these elections. There is a rotting core at the heart of America that has been revealed. There are people that have festered hate in their heart that has been passed down for over a hundred years. Such dysfunction is the same as the energetic patterns in Israel. A country that has seen wars for over 4000 years. It is very difficult to stop the anger, the suffering, the memory of pain that has been thrust upon whole families. Honesty is the only answer. Apologies are essential for this country that has done great things but also horrible things. Only through the honest revealing of truth can anything heal. That is what this moment is really about. All the lies that have been told and inflicted upon the people of this country and the wounds inflicted by this country upon other countries and peoples. That is what all this Scorpio is revealing. That is what is causing this moment to be.
Such moments can change and heal. But continuing to hide the materialism, the greed, the power hungry, the sexual dysfunction and projection onto others, and the desire to keep many uneducated and therefore at the whim of the mental brain-washing tactics of the powerful and wealthy, have to change. This wound will take a generation to heal if done right. If done wrong, you will watch the breakdown of the most powerful country in the world in your lifetime.
It is up to each of us to look within and see where our own wound is adding to the deception and dysfunction. If you cannot change and heal, neither can this beautiful world.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Anger is the default emotion for many because it is the safest emotion. Because if go to anger then you are less likely to get hurt. Because you have already started a fight. Anger is the outward manifestation of hurt, fear, and frustration.
~Dr. Phil~
What diffuses anger
is conscious presence,
listening, and empathy.
~Suzanne Wagner~


History Lesson
The Following were the social, economic, political
and intellectual causes of the French Revolution:
Social – The social conditions in France in late 18th century were extremely unequal and exploitative. The clergy and the nobility formed the first two Estates and were the most privileged classes in the French society. They were exempt from payment of taxes to the State. On the other hand, the Third Estate that consisted of peasants and workers formed the majority of the population. They were burdened with excessive taxes with no political and social rights. As a result, they were extremely discontent.
Economic – As a result of a numerous wars waged by Louis XVI the State coffers were empty. The situation was made even more complex by France’s involvement in the American War of Independence and the faulty system of taxation. While the privileged classes were excused from paying taxes the Third Estate was more and more burdened with them. By 1786 the French government was broke. Because of this and other debts, just the interest payments on loans took up over half of France ‘s yearly income. To make things worse, unemployment had been on the rise for some time while grain prices skyrocketed. Then in 1788 France was hit by a terrible drought that nearly destroyed the entire year’s harvest. The jobless, starving people began to riot. Louis pleaded with the nobles to help the monarchy financially, but they refused. Finally, the king was forced to summon the Estates-General. When this group met, the representatives of the Third Estate (the bourgeoisie and peasants–most of France ) declared that they were the French government and the other Estates were irrelevant. Thus, a bloody 10-year struggle began for the soul of France .
Political – The Bourbon king of France, Louis XVI was an extremely autocratic and weak-willed king who led a life of obscene luxury. The King seemed not to care about the troubles of the French people. He refused to relax his extravagant lifestyle, even when inflation and unemployment were crushing the French people. This led to a lot of disenchantment among the masses who then were leading life of extreme poverty, collapse of the working class, and widespread hunger.
Intellectual – The 18th century was marked by a conscious refusal by French thinkers of the ‘Divine Rights Theory’. Philosophers like Rousseau rejected the paradigm of absolute monarchy and promulgated the doctrine of equality of man and sovereignty of people. They played a pivotal role in exposing the fault lines of old political system, i.e. the ancient regime, and articulating the popular discontent.
Results of the French Revolution
Although a violent and bloody time, the French Revolution had important permanent results. Absolute Monarchy was terminated; the Revolution also destroyed the feudal privileges of the nobles. Serfdom was abolished. The Declaration of the Rights of Man declared that all humans are equal under the law and should have freedom of religion and the press, although these rights were suspended during the course of the revolution. Feudal payments to lords and mandatory tithes to the Church were eliminated. The power of the Church in politics was shattered. Large feudal manors were broken up, and all social classes had to pay taxes. From the French Revolution we get the metric system and our political labels “left” and “right.” France set the model that much of Europe was to follow into the modern age.
So, everyone. Does any of this sound familiar? History is repeating itself. And you are playing a role in this moment. Can you understand what your position in the field is?

~Suzanne Wagner~

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