Numerology/Astrology for 11/12/15
November 12th is the number 4, and while the number 4 is about balance today it is going to feel like trying to balance on top of a ball. Balancing in a fluid environment (which is all this Scorpio and Neptune) is challenging for those of us that are not water signs. And even for them it will feel a bit challenging. Balance under these aspects is about moving and feeling into the flow of life and allowing life to carry you forward without resistance. I know that sounds easy but it is not. Staying calm and neutral as you are in a storm is a wonderful skill to learn. Loosing it (your head, your emotions, or your hopeful intent) is not only going to make this a hard day but it will also make you feel off balance and out of alignment with what is happening. Accept that this is what is happening and give permission for a new way to be centered become part of your emerging life. The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio today until 10:15 AM EST, when it enters Sagittarius. Mercury is quincunx Uranus and trine Chiron today, and you can be especially alert, observant, and willing to learn and understand. Even so, there can be an impulsive and disorganized feel to this time. It’s a better time for going over the past than for making solid plans for the future. It’s also a good time for discovering new ways of looking at problems or at life in general. Mars enters Libra today, where it will transit until January 3, 2016. Under this aspect you will tend to use your charm as a means to an end. Because you can see many different sides to an issue, you can be vacillating and indecisive about how to act, but you can also be more polite and willing to consider others’ needs and wants. You don’t want to be the “bad guy”, and rarely resort to force. Instead, attempt to win arguments with style. You are indirect in your approach and inclined towards engaging in mental debates, yet you also attempt to make the opposition comfortable! Be conscious of passive-aggressiveness tendencies as this is the shadow side of this energy.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Occupation with worldly things acts like slow poison. Gradually, without one’s noticing it, it leads to death. Should I advise my friends and my fathers and mothers to take this road? I cannot do so. This body says; “Choose the Path of Immortality. Take any path that is according to your temperament, and it will lead you to the Realization of your Self.”
~ Sri Anandamayi Ma~
I love the phrase, “Take any path that is according to your temperament” That is the key. You have to be you. You have to be in alignment with your core DNA and make up in this lifetime. You have to work with the medium that you have been given artistically to grow. This is the clay you have been given to mold and shape. You asked for certain challenges to see if you could overcome them. You wanted to try a pattern that you found interesting. None of you came down here to have a boring life. There is nothing about life that is boring. Life is filled with so many things to entice you to wonder and to literally fill yourself with delight. Let yourself be inspired and to ponder the magic of existence.
~Suzanne Wagner~