Numerology/Astrology for 11/22/2021
11/22/21 is the number = 11
Add the 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11
Today, the number 11 reminds us that darkness loves to hide as false light. Those that know the light of truth and the light of pure love can never be manipulated by the many versions of false light.
That false light comes to us from the confusion of the duality of this plane of existence.
But the number 11 is the light of the eternal flame. That light that cannot be extinguished by the small minds of man.
It is the light that gives life and inspires truth.
While the number 2 loves to linger in the confusing thoughts and complicated concepts that twist goodness and cultivate poisonous beliefs.
The Number 11 tries to shine through the contaminated concepts of polluted fear and hate.
True light moves straight like an arrow.
False light slinks around dark corners and bends those weaker minds in fear towards violence.
Find the path that is true to your heart.
Know that most cannot walk with you.
Never compromise your higher principals for the promise of something that one has not earned.
Those that seek only short cuts and instant results are often younger souls without honor or courage.
And all short cuts will lead to a dead-end from which there is no way out but to go back the way we have come and reclaim that which was discarded in a moment of weakness.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Familiar faces are what we seek while the Moon is in Cancer. We are moving towards spaces that are a part of our need for safety, comfort, and care.
Stay centered.
We are in a time of great discomfort and because of that be aware of any thoughts that pull us into dark places and bring us towards the evil infecting so many at this time. Great vigilance is required.
Feelings are beyond the realms of reason.
Fear is discoloring the faces of some into masks of horrific intention.
Look past those things that try to make us into unreasonable and reactive primal beings.
We are better than that.
We are here to integrate the strength of our animal instincts and to balance them with reason and thoughtfulness.
Seek to understand the motivations of others … even if you do not agree.
Step beyond the cultural needs of belonging and move towards those places within that are devoted to love, care, kindness, and compassion.
And yes, many things will get uncomfortable this evening as the Moon and Uranus sextile.
It is painful to have to witness the terrible things that mankind can do to another.
And remember.
Never allow history to twist evil souls into heroes.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I cannot turn myself inside out.
I know who I am without a doubt.
I care for those who can be reasonable and kind.
I do not care what they think or what is in their mind.
I notice what happens when I tell them the truth.
And those that react and lash out, tend to be uncouth.
Are not who I choose to be around for long.
Though I may try to help them remember their song.
I trust that their path is one that will be.
Something of wonder that I hope to see.
At the completion of their long journey home.
And at that time, we will reminisce about their long roam.
Through the wastelands of love and defeat.
Past the heartbreak and those moments on the street.
Till it all makes sense and they breakthrough to see.
That what is inside them is inside you and me.
That is when the shifts pave the way.
Towards an understanding beyond some doomsday.
That is where the peace wins, and the love grows.
That is where we see beyond the limits that any human knows.
There we find a light within us glow.
Duality will be conquered and given a deathblow.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I relish these times as the holidays proceed.
My mother is 85 and while she is strong as an ox and shocks all her doctors with her flexibility and cognitive ability, she is still 85 years old. And anything can happen at any time.
So, these Holiday moments are precious and important to share with family.
Too often in the hustle and bustle of life we get distracted from what is really important.
Family is one of those things that transcends time and space.
We have walked together in many incarnations and probably will continue to do so for many more.
I like to think of it less as karma (an obligation) but more as an agreement field and support system for each of us to grow and learn.
While we put on certain genetic disguises that can shape and hide who we really are, we are all from one heart and one love and we walk pathways together to attempt to help, heal, love and support each other.
Too often, the density of this life pulls us into patterns of behavior that can drag us into the places of dysfunction and suffering.
That cloak of dysfunction can make certain connections impossible.
I have learned over and over again, that my choices shape my reality. I have learned that I cannot save anyone from their destined karmic journey and lessons.
I have learned that growth takes tremendous amounts of effort and requires one to take total responsibility for one’s actions.
I know that all lives are filled with critical moments when the course could alter us towards health or disfunction.
I know that all lives must make choices that support our life path and journey. I know that family is supposed to be that support in difficult times.
My journey (at this time) is to keep life as simple as possible.
I choose a life where the little things matter more. I enjoy stepping back from things, people, and situations that manifest patterns of stress and dysfunction.
In my 60’s, I am really appreciating the new understanding that comes from allowing everyone to be on their own path.
Great freedom comes when you know who you are inside and do not need to twist into some shape to make another happy.
~Suzanne Wagner~