Astrology/Numerology for 1/17/18
1/17/18 is the number 2. This number is associated with the karmic journey of many Aquarius energies and that is gifting everyone with a pattern that is intended to free things up and allow for a more unconventional approach. Expect the unexpected and know that disruption always proceeds growth. To make changes you have to see the dysfunction and the duality in action. Today that becomes clearer than it has in a while but with a more productive direction and choice of action.
On Wednesday, Venus enters Aquarius until February 10th, and the Sun moves into Aquarius on Friday for a month. This is a friendly, networking combination. Explore new groups, friends and organizations to determine if their ideas are in harmony with your needs. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn until 3:33 AM EST, after which the Moon moves through Aquarius. The Sun is semi-square Neptune, and you may experience that your willpower is low and you might stray from previous goals and temporarily lose your center and focus. It’s difficult to formulate and stick to your plan during this transit. Concentrating on artistic or spiritual pursuits is better than focusing on matters that require straightforward, factual thinking just for now. Mars is quincunx Uranus today. It will now be necessary to make adjustments to your goals. This can drain your energy and leave you feeling restless and impatient until you figure out what seems to be missing in your life. While efforts to satisfy desires will probably miss the mark, you are also ready to learn from your experiences as Mars is approaching a trine to Chiron. There is finally movement towards unconventionality, independence, and freedom with all the Aquarius energy. Experimental relationships, entertainment, purchases, and pursuits are especially intriguing now. Allow one another freedom of expression, and treat others fairly, unselfishly, and impartially. This influence also affects your tastes, interests, and pleasures, which can incline towards the avant-garde.
~Suzanne Wagner~
(n.) a place from which
one’s strength is drawn,
where one feels at home;
the place you are your most
authentic self.
~Poetry Language
There is a dream that the bulk of humanity continues to dream despite the obvious chaos and darkness that attempts to take over sanity and the evolution of humanity as it moves towards a higher potential. I find it interesting that we get close to those doors where a new standard of equality and balance is right there, the door is there and our hand is on the door … when something shifts and the darkness radically changes the reality and points to those who wish suffering on those that are not like them. It is the differences that make us great not the similarities. The differences force us to adapt to changing life circumstances. There are those out there that believe that they can control everything but they cannot. There are greater forces at work constantly attempting to move all of life forward. The only direction is forward. Those that become uncomfortable with progress are still living in the past. They have stopped growing and are looping in a pattern of comfort and one that allows for their illusions to continue. But it is not real. They are not really living in the real world. They are already dead but they just do not know it. And they attempt to kill all growth off in a ridiculous attempt to keep their comfort and illusions alive. But those illusions are not real. The past died a long time ago. And no matter what, those that cannot or will not change create fewer and fewer options in their life because life is not here to match your expectations. Life is here to teach you where you are caught in a lie and where your choices are slowly killing you.
~Suzanne Wagner~