Astrology/Numerology for 1/18/18
1/18/18 is the number 3. Choosing to cultivate joy in the face of external negative forces is where your determination is centered and grounded into this world. Life will always throw curves at you when you least expect it. That is just life. Those moments show you where you are in alignment with your truth and where you are still growing and learning. Those moments when your dark side comes out is not a problem. It is a moment to do the work necessary to reclaim that alignment and balance. Chaotic and scattered times are to help us learn discipline and focus. Laziness and boredom are reflections of suppressed anger and rage. Learn to let out the anger in creative ways that “Do no harm”. Learn to use words consciously and constructively. Allow others to discover their own spiritual insights and to find what ignites their inspiration. You can never give another person your own wisdom. You can only lead them to discover their own.
Mercury semi-squares Mars early today. Therefore, expect to be a little on edge, snappy, and perhaps argumentative. Do your best to not get dragged into an argument. This configuration may create you working under stressful or hectic conditions and you will feel pressure to get things done quickly. But don’t allow this energy to distract your focus or distort your ability to follow through. Conflicts of interest are possible now. Remember, follow your heart and your moral values. And live the motto; “Do no harm!” However, a Mars-Chiron trine today will assist you in having a natural confidence which can help some of the tensions to subside. If you have the opportunity, take the lead or take action, regarding matters are most important to you. That can lead to healing, cleansing, and teaching someone who might need your wisdom and experience. Drop into that feeling of fearlessness as it arises. Especially, when it comes to addressing problem areas that you may have been avoiding. You may be defending and helping others. Use this energy to promote cooperation and purposeful action. The Moon spends the day in Aquarius.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The difference between giving up and letting go
is that giving up is because of anger,
and letting go is because of love.
I am so grateful that I have learned the lesson of the quote above. Age and grace have given me a place to stand where it is no longer about getting what I want. Instead it is about giving what I have to offer and some may take it and use it wisely while others may not have the clarity to use it in a kind and constructive way. It is not about getting accolades it is about simply sharing what I have inside that has matured into wisdom. I never give up but I have and will continue to let go. Life is about constantly exercising that lesson and muscle of letting go. When you die you will have to learn to let go in the biggest way possible. You have to let go of everything that you have used to define you. Your body, your money, your status, your fear, those you love, etc. That is why it is good to practice letting go. In letting go, you grieve the loss of the person or situation. You allow them to walk away and continue the journey of their own karmic lessons for this life. You recognize in letting them go that certain people are only here for brief moments in your life and you allow that gift of those moments to enhance you for the rest of your life. You know that in reality, they will be a part of you forever. Knowing that their presence in a particular moment, changed you and made you into who you are now.
In giving up, there is a pushing of that person away mixed with a bit of a “f**k you”. It is you that is walking away. You cannot handle the present emotional upset and instead of processing the loss and grief you are feeling, you choose to be angry and make them wrong so you feel vindicated, right, and more powerful. From this position, you lose a lot of time and energy that could have been used for other more amazing energetic expressions. You deny the gift that they person offered and you choose to refuse the shift and change that this person offered up as their gift of love.
There is a moment when you know yourself so fully. You know your intention. You know your own heart. You know your own limitations. You know your personal power. You know that while you are here, your job is to give and share that love in as many ways as is possible and appropriate. Not in a pushy way. But in a moment-by-moment way. The universe always calls you to do and say the right thing. Egos react and say things without thinking them through. When egos rule a person, that soul is doomed to create more karma and burdening their soul again and again with the pain and misery they inflict on others until they awaken and shift out of a self-involved place of consciousness into a more unified global space of compassion.
~Suzanne Wagner~