Astrology/Numerology for 1/20/18
1/20/18 is the number 5. Allow your senses to give you the connection to life and the information you have been seeking. So often in life the mind takes over to the point that we miss the subtle beauty that surrounds us all. When you are one with life you make more positive life choices. When you allow the sensuality of your body and your connection to the earth to flow through you are more magnetic and alive. When you are one with the earth you can respond appropriately and with a curiosity and a sense of adventure. It is our aliveness that is attractive. The number 5 is that spark you feel when you deeply connect to another. This number is what gives you the energy that is daring, and curious about life and everything in it. This number adds the sense of adventure and excitement to your day and supports the freedom and expression of others also.
The Moon is in Pisces all weekend, this supports romance, movies, meditation and paying attention to your dreams. It also aligns with Neptune and forms a sextile with Mercury. Attempt to communicate more gently or compassionately and think in creative and imaginative ways. Look at things holistically rather than picking things apart with your mind. Boundaries dissolve, and you are more spiritually aware and sensitive than usual. You can also be evasive and shy away from conflict. Avoid confrontation as today is not a day you want to goad people as tempers are on a very short fuse.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When you do what you love,
you show the world
your deepest heart.
When you give joy
from that place
of wonder and delight,
you reconnect
to your eternal self.
~Suzanne Wagner~
It is in showing the imperfections that we experience deep and true love. When we are brave enough to be vulnerable and let another into that most secret of places, that absolute humanness is the most beautiful and precious thing you have to give another. It is the rawness of the truth of the fragility of life that we get to see and experience the miracle that we are to each other. It is not your strengths that will stand the test of time but those moments of raw authenticity that will forever linger in the memories of others, changing them and directing them forever. Those real moments transform all they touch with the softest caress. It is the unguarded heart that can change the world. Only that can heal the deepest places in others.
~Suzanne Wagner~