Numerology/Astrology for 1/2/16
January 2nd is the number 3. We are in 2016 and it is time to find the positive energy out there for you and this New Year. Start by appreciating all those who have stood with you in this major turning point in your life. I am so grateful that so many have stood by me as I have learned, grown, made mistakes, and eventually took it all and formed wisdom for myself that I hopefully learn to share with others. A Last Quarter Moon occurs half an hour into the day, when the Sun in Capricorn forms a square with the Moon in Libra. The Last Quarter Moon phase points to some sort of crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, you want to disperse your knowledge and come to a point when you need to sort out what works for you – and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon, when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It’s time to begin finishing up the details of things that were conceived at the last New Moon. A parallel aspect between Mercury and Saturn stimulates serious thought and conversation. Practical ideas and slants are favored. The Moon continues to transit Libra all day, and balancing your personal desires with those of another may come into focus. Moderating, negotiating, and compromise are themes today.
~Suzanne Wagner~
My goal is not to be normal; my goal is to be real. I am here to live with sincerity as my authentic self. I am not here to fit into some standard of what a human being should be.
~Perceptive Artista~
Glen and I went to a fabulous New Years Eve Party in downtown San Francisco. What a gorgeous building and a great and fun crowd to be with. We danced and played till 1 am. Yes, I am getting older and 1 am is late, very late for me. But it was great fun and as a woman I love to get dressed up for any reason. I hope you are all recovering from your festivities and that you have the perfect celebration for you on the Eve of 2016.
~Suzanne Wagner~