Numerology/Astrology for 12/17/14
Today we are in the number 9 so now is the time to find faith in Universal Laws. Your soul has a purpose. You have meaning being on this planet. Without your energetic contribution life for everyone you touch would just not be the same. Some days are about stepping out of what you are feeling and step into the higher perspective of the impact you make. Not from a place that is about ego and how important you are but from the place that your strength of character becomes the backbone for many around you. So when you doubt yourself remember that your love that is given freely from a place of choice has enormous impact in the world around you. In moments of great struggle and distress what can pull you out of your funk in to step out of this triggered moment and remember that you do make a difference. We each depend upon each other. We each contribute greatly in subtle ways that we forget when we fall into our own suffering. I remember a phrase from Mother Teresa. She said that when she was loving and serving others, she no longer felt the pain of her arthritis or the pain of the angina from her failing heart. When you remember to give love, instantly your pain goes away. Today, love another. Let go of your own suffering even if it is just for a moment. You loving others serves them and serves you even more. The Moon continues its transit of Libra until 9:52 AM EST, when it enters Scorpio. There is a little more intensity in your interactions with a Scorpio Moon. You are less inclined to avoid important issues now. In some ways, everything seems like a crisis. Just remember that crisis is transformative and emotionally exciting. Emotional intelligence is with you today with Mercury in creative aspect to Chiron in Pisces, and the Moon harmonizing with Neptune in Pisces. Your communications are more compassionate, sensitive, and open. You will want to solve problems.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Giving up the need to know why something has happened to you will definitely count among the most rigorous personal challenges of your life.
~Caroline Myss~
Check out Dr. Mario Martinez discuss his amazing book, “The Mind Body Code”