Numerology/Astrology for 12/16/14
Today we are in the number 8. In the positive we are in the day of personal power, self-confidence, professionalism, and manifesting wealth. In the negative you have to be aware of the feelings of grief that can overwhelm you. Holidays can be very difficult for many so have compassion for all of those out there that you know that might be alone during normal festivities. Invite just one person to your table that is not your family and give the gift of companionship and holiday cheer to someone that you feel deserves. As the number 8 relates to the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect, there are many things that you can do today that can tip the scale of love and light in the positive direction. The Moon is in Libra all day, and you are especially relationship-focused. Venus in dynamic aspect with Jupiter today could point to excesses, particularly when it comes to expressing your feelings, pursuing pleasure, and spending. Avoid hasty or haughty decisions. Mercury enters Capricorn tonight, where it will transit until January 4th. When Mercury is in Capricorn, your thinking is methodical and your focus is sober and practical. It is easier to concentrate on the task at hand under this influence. Your conversations may be quite realistic or focused on business/practical matters. Your thought patterns and communication styles become more logical, orderly, and organized. You are more able to sort out what is relevant and essential. Realism enters the picture, your speech is no-nonsense, and precision becomes important. You need to be wary of becoming too rigid in your thinking. You may come across as cold or harsh. For some, there is fine line between realism and pessimism.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Don’t forget that you’re human. It’s okay to have a melt down. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.
~Your Kick Ass Life~
Crazy choices are the way we learn. The main thing is to get the message and to become aware of the parts that sabotage or disrupt things in your life. Personally, I have also had a series of strange mechanical occurrences all around cars and forgetting things. Just for those of you that do not know me, I am a very meticulous and organized person and so me forgetting things is not the norm. Perhaps it is the Jupiter retrograde in Leo. Ha! At least that is what I am going to blame it on. So when things are skee-wonkers all around you it is important to stop, look, and listen to the signs happening all around you. Rushing ahead when things keep breaking down or not flowing smoothly is a clue that either you are off or something around you is not quite in the normal flow. Sometimes I think we are adjusting to a new pattern of energy that we are creating and our bodies electrical system freaks out while it is shifting. Regardless, I got another message from my guides and the car as I was driving, so rather than keep pushing on, I decided the message was to stop and get a hotel. Which is what I have done. The problems is that you never know why you need to do a particular thing and when you do it you (hopefully) never see the negative that might have happened if you had overridden the signs and signals from the universe. Life is crazy right now so just remember that the energy is like a busy street. When you were a child the message before crossing a street is to: stop, look both ways before proceeding, and listen. That applies for today.
~Suzanne Wagner~