Numerology/Astrology for 12/19/18
12/19/18 is the number 6. This number 6 is the color Indigo. It is a deep and dark purple. It is the color of intuition and psychic perceptions. It is the gut feeling that hits your center and gives you that feeling if something is on or off. So many people think they are being intuitive when they are actually just listening to their mind and ego. This color holds a lot of information that is encoded with emotions. It is often hard to put such complex and deep feelings into words but that is part of the journey. This is the color that you can track and find your way out of your third eye for astral projection. It is the color that often guides you home when you die. This is the color of deep concentration and the doorway to other levels of consciousness. This is a color that comes off your body when you feel powerful yet dignified, integrous and sincere. Today, notice if you understand how your structure defines your identity. If you are inflexible you are attempting to find a structure when there actually is none. But rigidity is not a grounded structure that will hold up under stress. And you are feeling that stress building up right now. Find that third eye connection that serves you and the greater good. Find a balance with grace, love without compulsivity, and strength without superiority.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Check out my Astrological Predications for 2019 and my Intuitive Patterns for the month of January 2019 also. Both are up on my blogs, facebook, website, and youtube.
If we look at the next three months astrologically, it is a bit of a mismatch. The eclipses in January are going to be a big energetic leap as the unraveling of the old patterns gets into full gear. There will be a lot of ideas being thrown around and a lot of blame also. Some of the energy is going to make you feel mentally overloaded and for some it is going to just make you want to shut down. 2019 is a year where the old doesn’t work. The new is not yet in place and we are all seeking functional options that will help us find a door that has yet to be opened. Don’t despair because repairing this situation is going to take years.
The Moon continues in Taurus and decides to befriend Neptune, Pluto, and Mars. It will help calm down the stresses that are arising at this moment. Be gentle in your motivation and clear out the things that you really do not need any more. Just know that other aspects are working against this aspect. Know that you are being pushed and pulled. Change is inevitable.
The Sun-Chiron Square, brings up insecurity, anxiety, uncertainty, and outright fear about where we go from here. Old convictions falter and your faith and belief in yourself are in question. What seemed certain now seems a complex manipulation of your weaknesses and desires.
As you can see the two aspects above are going in opposite directions. Some of you will favor one over the other. Some of you may feel both in different moments. Regardless you are feeling pulled apart. Revelations only arrive when pushed. Crisis creates you finally being willing to think outside the box. Notice what motivates you to change. Then choose to change and embrace the shifts rather than resist. The energy of 2019 is too strong to attempt to resist the flow that the Divine is forcing us to more towards.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Some rise by sin,
and some by virtue fall.
~William Shakespeare~
As the tides turn and the waves change
There are those that continue to swim in vain.
They chase the storm and ignore the tide
That pulls them out into their great divide.
You cannot save those who will not turn
Or see the safety for which they yearn.
It is right there before their eyes
That are turned towards the defeat that lies.
We all swim to distant shores.
Some towards peace, others towards wars.
I choose peace regardless of the cost.
Those that don’t are truly lost.
~Suzanne Wagner~