Numerology/Astrology for 12/24/20
12/24/20 is the number = 13.
Add the 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4.
When calm comes in …. Unification is possible. Then life takes on a new color and hue. We are moving into a deeper place within the attached shallowness of the past human condition.
Historically the masses have lived, worked, and died along a very narrow band of human existence. It has been the philosophers, the artists, the poets, and the seekers that have asked the questions that have allowed us to question the depths of human consciousness. But now, after all everyone has been through, there is a palpable change.
The narrow band of reality that has been the norm for human consciousness is clearly no longer enough. That house of cards has burned to the ground and those that could not escape that old reality are radically uncomfortable as it seems the walls are closing in on them. And they are. We are being told to “run” out of that prison within the mind. Because where humanity is going is much bigger than our old mindset could hold or contain. And the power of that consciousness expanding while painful, is happening regardless of how much resistance is being thrown in the way. The momentum has shifted drastically and those that know they can fly and want the world to find freedom are now stepping past the fearful limitations that were being imposed upon them. There is no stopping what is happening. I feel the forces of goodness exploding the walls that evil tried to build. We are feeling the calm that freedom gifts when it is simply allowed to just be.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
As we continue to move out of the “Party” sign of Sagittarius and step further into Capricorn, the earth energy brings us back into the stillness of winter. While this is a serious where we need to do social distancing. It seems that so many are flying this holiday is shows that humanity is clearly not able to help ourselves stay out of Covid trouble. I am sure part of the issue is the hope of the vaccine. What is clear is that many more are going to die before everyone gets inoculated. A sad fact that we will have plenty of time to reflect upon in the coming months.
This evening Mercury and Uranus attempt to commune in a harmonious way.
The Moon will finish out being in Aries as everyone is waking up and move into the more comforting sign of Taurus. Being in that mood to comfort others, I plan on making a lovely vegetable soup for some elderly friends and neighbors. Nothing quite like homemade soup in the darkness of winter. There is something very soothing about it.
The Taurus Moon makes us move in a more sensible way and to be consistent and steady in our approach to others.
The Moon and Sun trine in the afternoon helping that cooperative atmosphere to become invigorating and supportive. Great for families coming together.
The conservative Moon and the progressive Uranus play around with who is better in this moment. How can we create a blend of the old and the new in a way that is joyous and fun? That is the challenge.
The mind’s creative expression is filled with ideas and excitement. Let it roll.
Let conversations become deeply and unexpectedly provocative. Share all the possibilities. There is a brilliance that can illuminate something very new if allowed to evolve.
Mercury and Neptune quintile. And this supports a more compassionate touch to the obvious. Let the musings of the day spin new possibilities tonight in your dreams.
~Suzanne Wagner~
So much news at this time of the year. My sister (the pediatrician working in the Covid Clinic) had managed until Friday of last week to stay clear of the virus. But on Friday she tested positive and is now home for 14 days on quarantine. And the irony is that she was to get her vaccination yesterday. So odd how all things work out. But I can report that she is not horribly sick and not feeling super crappy. I have teased her that she has an immune system like an Amazon because she is constantly being exposed to sick children. Perhaps that holds true now.
Also my uncle’s partner of 30 years died yesterday from complications from a heart surgery and colon cancer surgery. Not from Covid. He has been in a Nursing Facility for 5 weeks and my uncle had to make the decision to pull the plug. I was going to drive out to be with him today but he told me that the hospitals are being super helpful right now and they have arranged all the things for the cremation and paperwork to be finished up. A huge help for sure. My uncle said he needed some time alone to work out lots of logistics and that he would love to have me come out later but not right now. I told him that I would be there in 4 hours all he had to do was ask and that I respected his request. I was just concerned that he was going to be alone on Christmas. But he seems to want it that way. And for now, I will give him the time and space to just regroup. He had not been able to see him in the facility because of Covid and so he said that in his mind he might still be breathing and alive. The mind loves to do crazy things. Denial is a process for grief.
As I reflect now on that thought, I see many Americans are also in the state of Denial rather that grieve for the loss of various things, issues, beliefs, and perspectives.
May Christmas Eve be a joining of family in love and togetherness. May everyone stay safe and healthy. May this nightmare begin to end and the transitions into a new, expanded, and more aware world bring much needed kindness and compassion.
~Suzanne Wagner~