January 23, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 1/24/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 23, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Astrology/Numerology for 1/24/18

1/24/18 is the number 9. The number 9 is about completion and that is always a moment of choice. There are always moments when you recognize that there are thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and philosophies within you that are toxic, wrong, lies, projections, distortions, illusions, and not real. It is in that moment that you can choose to let go and to be complete with that old ego self. That can be a moment of freedom, where you can lift the burden off your shoulders that has been holding you down and that has left you caught in the karmic density of suffering that is no longer necessary or even a sound reflection of who you are. Those thoughts often are not even yours. They were given to you in an assault of projection because of others judgment, anger, and reaction. When you take them on you make them real. But in a split second, when you recognize that they are total illusions, you can step out of that construct as easily as you cross from one room into another. Then you are complete. Then you reclaim your own knowing and truth. Then you can move beyond the distortions of others and into your personal destiny.
During Wednesday’s lunch hour, Mercury aligns with Pluto in businesslike Capricorn. Communicate with power. Make a concrete plan of action. Do research or detective work that requires mental focus. However, it would also be good to give a wide berth to obsessive-compulsive or controlling people who think they know what is best for you. The Moon moves into the sign of Taurus at 8:41 AM EST. While there is an easygoing and laid-back quality to a Taurus Moon, Mercury aligns with Pluto today, stimulating the opposite and some intense mental processing. It will be possible to gain insight into certain situations and patterns that have caused you great concern. This is a time for finding hidden meanings that have eluded you. Just remember to not take it too far, and fall into an obsessed, manipulative, or paranoid place. This increased tension and worry is designed to motivate you to make useful changes. You are inclined to “get to the bottom line” in your communications. Efficiency and relevancy become even more essential. Your ability to persuade others and have strategic thinking increase. You might also become caught in frustrating mental battles if you mishandle this transit. Mercury is also moving into a sextile with Jupiter, however, and this can help you keep things moving forward. You will want to take action. A Venus-Mars parallel boosts your desire to learn to love in new ways. Relationships or connections with others are tremendous motivation to your soul’s choices and actions.

~Suzanne Wagner~



When you move beyond
your own selfish desire,
You will begin
to find freedom.

~Suzanne Wagner~


What I love about constantly looking and learning about astrology is that when you really explore another person’s chart you discover how each of us came in with a set of challenges and problematic personality issues that we chose to work through. And some of those issues are very difficult for each of us to understand even in ourself. We have quirks, kinks, and karmic difficulties that were set in place as an obstacle course to lead us towards our purpose and hopefully our destiny. When we stay asleep to those patterns, those patterns can run us. But when we awaken to the complexity within our own personal and private universe, we learn to laugh at those traits and have compassion for our journey through the density. I have learned that by understanding myself, with all the karmic crap and all the good stuff, I have become more compassionate and understanding for others. I look at them and notice that some behaviors, that they do not really know what they are doing or why. They are not trying to make me or others crazy, they are doing their best to navigate through the patterns and lessons that were set up for this life experience. Sometimes the harder personality traits are the ones that save you in a crisis. Though they might be difficult for others to deal with on a normal, daily basis. Patterns and traits were set there for a reason. They were picked by you to support your emergence into a more aware and awakened state. I have found that what has often woken me up the fastest was when I did some behavior that was so off that it finally registered in my own psyche. Only when I realized (to my horror) what I had done or said did I finally see a part of my underlying dysfunction, resentment, and withheld emotional issues clearly. I often say that seeing the problem is 70% of fixing it. If you are wandering around in unconscious states, you do not notice how your actions impact others. When you awaken, you see and feel that your actions and words impact either positively or negatively. Yes, there are moments when you realize that you have done something that was selfish and hurtful. In feeling that pain, you move beyond your own desire and into a place where it is no longer about you. That is where you begin to find the freedom.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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