Astrology/Numerology for 1/26/18
1/26/18 is the number 2. Your actions and reactions are going to be observed by others in an almost meticulous way. Know that you are being analyzed by your peers. Remain calm and do your best to move from your highest self rather than your reactive ego. Life often is not about what you say, but about the control you have in tricky moments. A little pause never hurt anything. Take a moment to reflect on how your words might be received by others. Take a look at how groups outside your narrow band of friends and family might see and experience you. I learned from one of my teachers a long time ago that it is very important to know how other see you and how you come across in the world. That does not mean that your authentic self is always being received by others. But when you have enough self-awareness that you can remember how others perceive you, then you can make subtle modifications in the way you speak, stand, and project that can impact the world in a more favorable way that allows for your knowledge and wisdom to be heard and hopefully more fully considered.
Ambitious Mars moves into adventurous Sagittarius on Friday until St. Patrick’s Day. This is a fun combination and it supports putting action to your big ideas. This morning’s semi-square between Venus and Chiron can pull you to want to defend yourself in some way. This pattern manifests as self-protectiveness. Differences can seem more obvious than the similarities. Stay present and remember that everyone feels the same emotions. Everyone wants health, safety, financial security, a place to live, and respect. Don’t let other people’s projections and dysfunction polarize you any further. It takes mental discipline to observe that type of toxic negativity, have pity for them pouring out your eyes, and to speak in words that hopefully can shift them back towards balance without throwing you in any way out of your center. The Moon continues its transit of stable Taurus until 12:40 PM EST when it enters curious, mutable dualistic Gemini. It then will quickly oppose Mars which has just entered Sagittarius and where it will transit until March 17th. Such shifts make you take a look at your actions. Ask the question to see what motivates you into positive, constructive movement. If routine seems to bother you. Take a breath and notice if we feel confined. Then do something to take action and get moving. Try something different. This might give you a stronger desire to go on an adventure. After all, life is about the experiences you have and the wisdom you accumulate from them. Try to start projects or challenges with enthusiasm and hope today. But if they do not align with your soul’s mission they may evaporate just as quickly. Do your best to not set your sights too high. Mars in Sagittarius challenges you to defend your principles. You may take it personally if others disagree with you. With this transit, Mars is now in mutual reception with Jupiter, connecting the two planets and generating a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
There’s a danger to you,
a baleful, beautiful menace,
promising dark adventures
and blissful scars that
will never heal.
~Cameron Lincoln~
I saw a video about where a whale biologist was swimming with a humpback whale and it knew that there was a tiger shark in the area and it kept putting the woman under its pectoral fin and putting it on its back to protect it from the shark. All the while another whale was tail slapping warning of the shark. I wonder at how a humpback whale can altruistically save a person who is not his or her species from a shark but we as humans cannot have that same level of compassion and understanding of the needs of those that we know are less than or not capable of protecting themselves or understanding the danger they are in. Humanity has the capacity to be the protector and defender of all life on this planet. When will we recognize that this is our mission and highest purpose. Until we eradicate those toxic beliefs that cause such suffering and karmic pain on this planet, this world will never be truly the paradise that it was always meant to be.
~Suzanne Wagner~