Numerology/Astrology for 12/8/18
12/8/18 is the number 4. Multiple planets rule and contribute to the number 4. Mercury is all about your ability to communicate. Uranus is all about your ability to take risk and to move with inspiration. And Saturn is all about doing the hard work that is necessary in life to make something happen in the physical world. The number 4 requires all these skills. The number 4 is about managing life with conviction, seriousness, discipline, and order. Balance cannot be achieved any other way. You cannot have balance if you are unwilling to move and deal with life. You cannot have balance if you cannot express your idea to others. And you cannot find peace if you are not willing to move through discomfort. Life is what you make of it. Life is not handed to you in such a way that it all works and goes swimmingly. It is the obstacles in life that define your foundation. It is the challenges that give you the discipline to keep going. I find in life that the discipline to keep trying is actually more important than having a talent. Talent is a gift (usually from other lifetimes of practice and hard work). But gifts must be worked, shaped, and honed. Otherwise they just lie there waiting for your energy, attention, and focus. The number 4 is all about the practical tools that everyone needs to move steadily and with patience towards a goal. Remember, “What you define in life, will eventually define you!”
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Warrior Mars aligns with peaceful Neptune early on Friday. Part of you wants to get up and exercise and part of you wants to hit the snooze button. Yoga or a spiritual practice is supported.
While the Moon transits in Sagittarius until your morning alarm button and then goes into Capricorn, know that you are energized to get “down” to it and to look at the practical ways to keep going while recognizing how to take care of the necessary details.
It is about looking at how to stand on your own two feet. You are not living if you cannot orient your mind past the challenges and into solutions. You are only you can make the shifts that are necessary for a glorious life. You cannot wait for the circumstances to change. It is you that decided that enough is enough and that regardless of the discomfort, you have to change. You are responsible for your experience, not anyone else. While moments in time are often less than palatable, you still much move and find a place that you can thrive so you can arrive. When you keep the practical in focus and do what is right in front of you each day, then you will consistently inch forward. While some moments and some paths are slow and seem to take forever, later you will recognize that not only were you walking the path but building that path, brick by brick at the same time. Difficult moments are because you have taken your own unique way through this life and often that means that there is not a pre-established road through. That is life. It is your life and your path and you often have to make it yours. Own the journey that you have laid out for yourself regardless of if it seems feasible to others. That does not matter. What matters is that you take responsibility for your experiences and this life. Do not waste the preciousness of these challenging moments. They define you and are a part of your legacy in the future.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I want to taste my life with all its sweet and bitterness.
I want to feel the flow of this life through my bones.
I want to breathe this air in huge gulps of desire.
I want to listen to the sounds of life’s music envelope my soul.
I want to see the beauty and the suffering.
I want to touch it all because that is what really living is all about.
Life does not live in a vacume.
Life is not safe.
Life is not what you want it to be.
Life is an explosion of ecstatic beingness,
that cannot be controlled
nor can it be contained.
It can only be experienced.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When I was young, my ballet teachers gave me a great gift when they yelled at me, “No Excuses!” At the time it seemed very unfair, but they were more correct than I realized at that time. There is a great phrase that I also love that allows us to continue this conversation. It says, “Argue for your limitations and sure enough they will be yours.”
So often people come to me and they are unhappy about something in their life. They lay out all the excuses as to why that is, and they have great excuses. The mind is very clever in showing you to problems that seem unsurmountable and that allow you to collapse and give up so then the ego wins and you get to stay safe and secure in your disfunction and limitation.
But that is not a living. That is existing.
Life throws you unfair problems.
But the problem is not the problem.
The problem is the mind and what the mind does with that problem.
Unlike what many believe, my ballet career was a long hard-fought slog through fear, frustration, obstacles, injuries, conflicts, and great and sometimes total loss. I learned that I had to use my determination to mold my body into what my soul knew could be possible.
There were some very talented and naturally gifted dancers that were much better than I, but they lacked a type of confidence and inner determination to keep going when things got rough.
We say that the best teachers are not the most talented and gifted dancers. The best teachers are not the principal dancers but the soloists. Those that had some talent but had to figure out how to make it work for their body. Those that were not completely naturally gifted in some areas. Because the naturally talented people don’t have to think about it. Their flow just organically arises. And while it is beautiful and stunning to watch, they do not know the structure that allows that to happen or how to explain it to another who does not have the same body type, flexibility, and organic knowing.
I learned that there were no excuses to not trying. No excuse to not practicing. No excuse to not attempting and failing again and again. If you are not going to overcome the places you are lacking and less talented than you might as well quit at the beginning.
Life requires your attention and effort. And yes, there is a natural passion and flow that talent can move through you but often it is the discipline of the body memory that will save you again and again in the physical, material world.
Ballet teachers are relentless in their demand for their students. There is always a place to reach more and farther. Ballet is a desire for a moment of perfection that can happen between the body and the soul. A moment when something bigger transcends this dimension and transports you and those watching you beyond and into a bigger sphere of beauty, emotions, and light.
Through dance the soul transcends the physical world and the body finally connects with spirit. It is the discipline of the body that becomes the vehicle that can lift this world and its suffering out of this dimension and into spirit. Dance is a harmony of body, sound, emotions, light, and movement. It is a synthesis of all that life offers and focuses it through the tool of the physical world and makes it into its own prayer or offering to the Divine.
Do you see your life right now as a prayer? Is your life a Divine offering to lift this world out of suffering and to help it shift that which seems stuck into freedom? You can make it so my focusing on that as your intention. You can make that which is painful into something beautiful. That is the beauty of this world and this existence.