Astrology/Numerology for 1/29/18
1/29/18 is the number 5. As we get closer to the eclipse there is a desire for greater stability in your life and in your world. Stability comes from knowing yourself and choosing to expand into freedom. And freedom always requires action. Freedom is not a passive state but an active one. In experiencing your own choices, you find freedom. In recognizing that life is about constant change, you discover curiosity as to what life will bring you next. The number 5, asks the question, “What gives you the will to not just survive but to live?” When you hold back from risk you stunt your growth potential. Just like a plant that does not quite get enough light. Where do you let your daring side out? What attracts your senses and heightens your awareness? Where will you allow yourself an indulgent opportunity? When you limit your dreams, you let others control your potential. That only leads to suffering. Live, Love, and Let yourself become who you came to express in this world. The world needs your love and energy. It needs your dreams and ideas. It needs your love and attention. And you need to give all that you have to find fulfillment.
The workweek begins under a feeling-oriented cancer moon. Cancer is associated with food, nutrition, and family, so do activities with that in mind Sunday afternoon through early Tuesday morning. Do yourself a favor and be a little more self-indulgent than usual today. The Moon spends the day in its own sign, Cancer. This strong and sensitive Moon gets support from Neptune and Jupiter, supporting and boosting your imagination. It also opposes Pluto, reminding you of the need to take a break from pursuing your goals for the moment. Mercury’s semi-square with Neptune points to some cloudy thinking or a tendency to daydream rather than pay attention to the facts. You may not express yourself very clearly and it may seem that others are not hearing your words or receiving your messages well. There is a revelation as you can see more clearly behaviors, indulgences, or attachments that may be holding you back or inhibiting your ability to creatively and confidently express yourself, as Venus in Aquarius aligns with the true South Node of the Moon.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When you fight
for the good in the world
the bad dissipates.
When you fight
for the highest in human potential,
you can ignite a fire of hope
that can deflect
the darkest in humanity.
When you refuse
to allow those
with the most base
of human emotions
to have control in this world,
you shift the balance of energy
out of survival and into blissful balance.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Well the Julia Child French dinner was a success. What fun to have 3 women in a great kitchen cooking. I miss that so much in a normal daily setting. There is such a joy to cooking with others from the fun conversations, laughter, and exploration that happens. In our fast food society, we tend to forget that there is so much love that goes into food and when there is joy in the chefs there is love in the food. This world needs so much love right now and it seems that fewer of us have the time for the fabulous cooking from the old days that did take time. It takes time in preparation and it is in the patience that you learn so much about yourself. As in the Brioche, you have to let it rise in its own time and you cannot rush perfection. If we could learn to listen to others the way we learn to allow food to rise at its own tempo, what a very different world it would be. That is because you would recognize that everyone has their own timing for growth and change and you cannot rush or force someone’s pace for growth. You have to have the patience and trust that knows that everything will come in its own time. And perhaps you will be able to be there to support the next level of expansion and opening of another person. But that does not always happen. And you have to accept that also.
~Suzanne Wagner~