Numerology/Astrology for 1/4/17
1/4/17 is the number 6. It is again time to retreat into a cave and consider all your options before making a decision. Until you have complete clarity do not try to push the reality into an image of your ego’s making. Things are not what they seem and so it is best to go slow and notice where you are out of sync and find your center before you move in any direction. Retrograde Mercury retreats into Sagittarius today where it will stay for a short time only – until January 12th. Mercury continues to retrograde until the 8th and then moves forward in the late degrees of Sagittarius until it enters Capricorn on the 12th. When Mercury is in Sagittarius, your thinking is idealistic and optimistic. You want to be concerned with truth, justice, and fairness. However, you may not be very precise under this influence. You may be reviewing or reassessing many of your beliefs and opinions. It is important to study to find the correct information and truth. The Moon continues to transit Pisces, forms a square with Mercury this morning, and then enters Aries at 11:20 AM EST. Expect some misunderstandings, as your feelings and words are a mismatch. The Aries Moon is assertive and enterprising. There is a part of you that has a strong desire to start over or begin something new. But you do not have the energy of drive to begin just yet.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“The world breaks everyone and afterward some people are strong at the broken places.”
~Ernest Hemingway~
Stellium in Pisces
Today, we have another cycle of a stellium in Pisces. It will wear off by Wednesday so this is going to be strange as a feeling and an emotion expressing, “I just don’t know if I will be able to get motivated and to get my life going”. This astrological stellium is contributing to this heavy exhausting quality and each person right now is feeling really burnt out. Many feel like they are trying to move through a slushie. It is cold, thick, sticky, and not a lot of fun to walk though.
What makes this moment different than that is that this particular pattern magnifies to us that nothing is simple right now. You want to move but you are blown out and there is not a lot of motivation or energy to accomplish much. So you might as well relax and attempt to clear out the clutter and your mental understanding before you try to push yourself forward.
Right now this stellium is creating a concentrated focus of all this strange energy that is frustrating. Especially if you want to get anything done. The trajectory of everyone’s life is being shifted. Your life is not going to go in the directions that you thought it was going to go into. Just assume that you don’t know where you are going or what you are about to embark upon. I am afraid that those of you that feel lost, that feeling is going to make you feel even more lost.
Be careful of the stories that are coming out that pull you deeper into delusion. You have to learn to do the research to find out what is true (Saturn in Sagittarius). You are looking at what you need to do for you personally. It is important to NOT make decisions right now.
No one really knows what is going on.
You have to find your center and connect to the higher Divine rather than the earthly news thinking that the media will give you the answers you need. It is important to slow down and find you. Do not push because you actually don’t know what to do or where you are going.
By the end of this month you will find more clarity and the direction that you are presently seeking. All this is coming up to make you look at your control issues and to recognize that you don’t have control. This is where you have to let go of having external sources tell you what is true and you have to come from deep in your center and your connection to your highest self and the higher forces that are clearly making this external world do what it is doing in order to show where the distortion has gotten so out of hand that the only choice is for it to explode. For some of you that may feel like your world (if it is connected to that distortion) will also explode.
Saturn rules Capricorn and that is the God of Time. All this energy in Pisces is stopping the old rules of time and putting you into the flow of a bigger and more divine timing.
Remember, if Astrology could predict everything then the astrologers would be the leaders, kings, and queens of the planet. But Astrology is just a map indicating how things could move and flow. What is clear under this astrology is that any illusion of control is being taken from everyone and I mean everyone. The reason is for us to let go of the patterns from the past that really no longer apply to where we are going.
Now, know that all the maps help show certain patterns and point out certain things. I get frustrated when one psychic thinks one map or pattern is bogus and then another astrologer wants to change the entire astrological reality, etc.
What I know on a deep core level is that angels and guides are always attempting to speak with us. They will use any map that makes sense to you and show you a pattern that relates to you as to how you need to move forward.
Each map that makes sense to you is connected to you in some way. That does not mean that every map works perfectly for each person, quite the contrary. But do not think that just because a map does not work for you that it is bogus and will not work for another.
I learned this with writing my book on numerology. There are multiple numerological systems and they are NOT all the same. Most are radically different. But I align with a particular format that works consistently for my clients and myself. Yet, I also know that this pattern that makes sense to me may not work for others. I allow in my consciousness the place that there is magic that happens everywhere. And so should you. Stay open. Feel into the deeper places of truth that are moving you forward. Recognize that waking up is hard to do and then follow where your spirit and karmic journey leads you. All roads lead to clarity and deeper understanding. All roads will eventually get you home. Sometimes the most difficult roads are the shortest and most direct routes to awakening.
~Suzanne Wagner~