Numerology/Astrology for 1/6/17
1/6/17 is the number 8. The great equalizer (the number 8) is at work in your life today. Remember that the number 8 is an infinity symbol turned up and down. What you dream is what you will manifest. What you manifest will feed the dream. The number 8 is a force that can just as easily creates as it destroys. It is the reminder that you reap what you sow and asks you to look at the balance between the material and the immaterial worlds. Be careful because this number at its worst is insensitive, violent and bullish. It can be intolerant and zealous of what it chooses to believe in. When it is balanced it helps you develop confidence to follow a vision, it helps break down barriers to transformation. It helps you cope with the reality and reminds you that the desire for peace and love is what will transform the world. The Moon continues its transit of Aries until 3:18 PM EST, harmonizing with retrograde Mercury early afternoon and helping us to communicate our intentions with our message. The Moon enters Taurus, and you feel life slowing down just enough that you can savor the moments from 3:18 PM forward. However, the Sun is moving towards its annual alignment with Pluto, exact early into the day tomorrow. Thus the need to gain more control over your life can feel pressing now, so you should guard against temperamental behavior and reactive decision-making. You have a strong-willed energy right now that you need to use to help you focus and get things in your life more organized. You benefit most by keeping things and your future plans to yourself right now and not rushing forward prematurely. Growth takes time and so planning is essential if you are building a whole new world. Do an internal check-in on your belief system to make sure your monkey mind is not limiting your thought patterns. Mercury continues to be retrograde until January 8th. The cycle is mostly in restructuring Capricorn, but the communications planet moves backwards briefly into Sagittarius from January 4 until the full moon on the 12th. Do an internal check in to see if your outer world actions are in alignment with the higher philosophy you want to express in the world during this brief Sagittarius review. 2017 is going to take you being more resourceful, determined, and ambitious than any other time you can remember.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“Stay very reflective and contemplative
about where you intend to go.
Recognize that your plans
are going to take time,
effort, focus, and clarity.
Letting others into
your deepest spiritual journey
is never advised because
they cannot step on
your unique path
to enlightenment.
They must find
and step upon their own.”
~Suzanne Wagner~
It is in these moments when you, as a participant on this planet’s evolution, need to stand up for what you believe in. We are in a time when true spiritual teachers will rise and those that are not congruent with higher truths will be seen as children not leaders. There will be a rude stripping down of the old systems to catapult new ways of communication to the forefront. Things are so magnified that you cannot help but see things for what they really are. Those that are not working from a divinely connected place and their “come from” is ego will begin to crack under the intense pressure of this time. You may notice that the facades of those in positions of power become clearly “facades” and you see and feel the plastic quality of who they really are on a deeper core level. For some of you … that may shock you. For others of you that will activate something inside that recognize that falseness and fake people are realities that are never going to heal with world. Only those with a deep passion for peace and a deep love for what is great and wonderful about this planet are going to become the emerging leaders and warriors of this new time.
~Suzanne Wagner~