Numerology/Astrology for 2/12/18
2/12/18 is the number 7. Under this number take a look at where your spiritual development has fallen away under the chaos and influence of so much distortion and upset. This is the moment to look past the old rules by which you have lived your life and look into the spiritual laws that are eternal rather than the human laws that continue to create suffering and hardship. Peace is not found by following the rules of man but by following the universal laws of right and wrong. It takes a persistence of purpose to step out of the egos “knee jerk” reaction and to look beyond the rules that you know deep inside are flawed and to move and reach beyond the rules and laws that man has made and do what it right for the greater good. It is more work to do what is right. It is the lazy man’s way to do just what you want to do. It is selfish, self-centered, and egotistical to operate only from your own needs and wants. We are a global world and a global consciousness. We can no longer operate from a place of separatism. Simply because it is no longer true.
The Moon is in responsible Capricorn all day, so expect to be a little more cautious than usual. However, the Moon’s alignment with Pluto and sextile to Jupiter increases your confidence and faith, as well as your ambitions. You see the value of planning and keeping to a strategy once the astrology gets past an early morning Mars-Uranus aspect. As the day advances, a Mercury-Saturn semi-square can make you feel more sensitive to criticism and worry. Pessimistic thinking is a highly likely outcome if you are not careful. It’s an excellent time to work on solving the obvious problems but not the bes time for taking a risk or branching out.
~Suzanne Wagner~
We all have one foot
in a fairytale, and the
other in the abyss.
~Paulo Coelho~
Never has it felt so much like that quote from Paulo Coelho. As a culture and as a people we were stepping into a bigger place where we could shift the whole planet into a higher vibration. That realization to those that were unwilling to let go of their own pain and wounding combined with tremendous fear at the understanding that they were going to get left behind in the evolution of this planet, caused such a contraction and paralytic anxiety, that they lashed out in a fury just like an animal that does not understand that you are going to free them from a trap but that trap feels safe to them and that trap is all they know. So, asking them to leave this terrible place feels more frightening to them than any facts and figures that are meant to be reassuring. Leaving the old place requires them to grow up and grow beyond the limitations that their own mind has imposed upon them. It is such souls that are caught in their own mental trap (but are not aware of the cage in which they live) that made some decisions that place us all in this moment in time. I also recognize that these people were terrified that they were going to be left behind. Their suppressed desire and request to the world was that their soul needed more time to understand what was really happening and that they were afraid and not ready. As I have deep compassion for those souls, they also did not realize that the world must always move forward. When you are on a train and are afraid of where that train is going. then when you let that fear become suppressed it controls you and your response is to blow up the tracks. It is then you that is responsible for derailing the entire train and everyone on it. Now, all of us have to rebuild the tracks and that takes time. All of us not have to get the train back on the track, and that takes time. We have to figure out how to heal those that feel wounded and are blocked in their fear and contraction. And that takes time. And finally, we all have to learn that stopping causes more suffering not less. And that too will take time.
~Suzanne Wagner~