Numerology/Astrology for 2/13/18
2/13/18 is the number 8. It is okay to grieve but you also must move through the emotions and not hang onto them. That is challenging when it seems that the universe seems to try to keep triggering you into trauma drama. Tell the truth, call out deception, express authentically and keep allowing it to move through you again and again. This is how you build spiritual strength. You are being challenged to learn to expand into the full range of emotional expression and to not hold onto things that are not yours and are designed to pull you further into suffering rather than expanding your ability to move through emotions.
Avoid pushing your philosophy on others on Tuesday. If you have to deal with stubborn people, wait a day or two before responding. With many squares happening today, expect to feel at crossroads. You may have a hard time reconciling your thinking with what you are feeling. You could sense that others are blocking or challenging your beliefs and questioning your attachments. There can be difficulty coming to satisfying conclusions. A Mercury-Jupiter square inclines you and others to exaggerate, overstate, jump to conclusions. Be careful to not blow things out of proportion. Expect to go into information overload. Under these aspects, it’s all too easy to miss or neglect essential details, thus jumping to conclusions and overstating the facts. There could be a lot of talk about nothing now and a lack of clear mental focus, but you can make measurable progress by concentrating and keeping your attitude as positive as is possible. Exciting new ideas can come from these aspects also. A Sun-Uranus sextile later today stimulates a willingness to adapt to new circumstances, ideas, and to learn to deal with new and unfamiliar situations. The Moon in Aquarius from 10:12 AM forward reinforces these themes. Group connections can be enlightening. You can arrive at creative solutions to problems and make positive changes by staying open. This is a time for flexibility.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The chaos in your mind creates a storm
that tears down all the beauty in the world.
Don’t forget that in the middle of war,
flowers still bloom.
Don’t forget that in the darkest moments,
nature is still stirring.
Don’t forget that when you feel lost,
someone is seeking to find what you offer.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I am not alone in hearing the heart of America screaming in pain.
I am not the only one who watches in horror as the advancements of our amazing culture get pulled backwards into the 1800’s.
I am not the only one who feels a type of deep frustration at a government that will not listen to the people but only cares about lining its pockets with the suffering of others.
I am not the only one who knows deep in my core that there is something rotting the values of democracy.
I am not the only one who did not believe that such destruction could come so quickly and take a world power off the pedestal.
I am not the only one who did not believe that that the morals of a society could be collapsed by a group that claims to use religious values. When in actuality, they are the evil sweeping over beautiful country that they are bent on destroying.
I am not the only one standing up against the storm of hate determined to hold onto the truth that has and always will be America.
~Suzanne Wagner~