Numerology/Astrology for 2/4/2022
2/4/22 is the number = 12
Add the 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3
The Number 3 asks us to question; illusion, deception, mystery and truth. This number is associated with Neptune, the God of the Oceans.
Within the watery depths of our own emotions there are elusive and constantly shifting tides and sands as the hidden currents carry things towards our awareness or silently shift them away in the darkness.
The greatest and most complex deceptions are always the ones we do to ourselves. The mind does not want to remember upsets and traumas, especially the ones of our own creation. It magically pushes them away from the conscious mind and hides them in the darkest places and then uses archetypal gatekeepers to keep them hidden from us.
The density of the normal human condition is always less glamorous than we want it to be. But the more pieces of ourselves that are truthful that we hide in the watery abyss of our psyche …. the more fractured and fragmented we can become.
That leads to us feeling confused, vulnerable to manipulation from others, self-deception, and we become out of touch with the reality.
This planet is associated with the astrological sign of Pisces and this planet is known as the planet of self-undoing.
Too often the lies we tell ourselves and the truths we cannot seem to integrate … become the tools that we use for our own downfall.
We cannot escape heartache in life. But we can instead, actively move towards integration, healing, and bringing those lost parts back into our conscious mind.
The Guru’s said to me long ago, “No part of yourself may be left behind in the translations of this physical expression into an enlightened one. We need all the parts, all the energies, and the whole truth of who we have been, who we are right now, and who we will become, in order to have us ascend into the higher places of consciousness. All those steps are the fuel necessary to transcend this density and get us to move into another.”
Today, embrace the normal human imperfections. Recognize attachments to ideals, people, and situations are the attempts of our wounding to take a short cut in our own healing.
But there are no short cuts on that journey.
Just as Isis searched for all the parts of Osiris’s body to make him whole and alive once again. Another cannot ever do … what we ourselves must accomplish. Each of us have lost parts that are hidden in the watery maws of time and space. It is us that have hidden them and it must be us who reclaim them.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon moves from emotional and deep seeking Pisces into the action driven sign of Aries, as we are all headed off to work. We might feel drained from the past few days. Energy might not feel very inspired today.
Responsibilities seem heavy and we need to be careful with our resources as we try to get back on track.
Mars and Jupiter will sextile this morning and we are inspired by thinking of the possibilities if … we make some small changes and actively move towards improving our health and well-being.
What we do have today is courage. And courage goes a long way in this unpredictable world.
Today, it is okay to compete with oneself. But do baby steps and do not overextend.
Keep the attitude of gentleness in all things.
Let our convictions and faith in the personal growth potential that lives within us carry us forward.
The Sun and Saturn align and that is a gentle reminder to only take on what is necessary in this moment. We will not be able to carry another at this time.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The power to understand current situations …
that require us to have healthy boundaries,
will give us the incentive to finally heal.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Seems the month snuck up on me and now I am behind in my monthly newsletter. I will get that back on track today, as I have some more time to do just that. I got bogged down in astrological charts for clients and they are time consuming and seemed to take over my schedule.
It is so interesting when one is self-employed.
While I would not change it for anything … ever.
Life from my perspective is that I am always working on something in one way or another. At the end of each month, it is newsletters and getting things out on video and YouTube. But also dealing with the ongoing challenges of my uncle and his partners probate, lawyers, and dealing with the banking systems and complications of my mother’s credit card getting false information and charges put on it and trying to close the card completely and sort it all out with the bank.
Life has a way of messing with all plans.
It takes a lot to be a grown up in this world.
It is one thing to be “grown up” age wise, but quite another to be able to be consistent and effective in a constantly and rapidly changing world. It does not take much to get behind in such a moment in time.
So, thank you everyone for being patient.
~Suzanne Wagner~