Numerology/Astrology for 2/6/2022
2/6/22 is the number = 14
Add the 2 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 14. 1 + 4 = 5
The Number 5 is associated with Chiron.
This number is the archetype for the Greek God who was the Wounded/Healer/Teacher.
In life, we all make mistakes, we all have pains that we carry forward whether they are emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual. These wounds are often indicators of previous past lives and the unresolved issues that continue to linger.
It is the reminder that when we take the time and effort to heal ourselves, we also then have useful and practical tools to help others.
This gives a meaning and value to the wounds we have collected and indicates that “perhaps” these wounds were consciously chosen to be motivators for our own karmic journey.
It is the easiest way to learn how to move from compassion rather than judgment and blame. We cannot truly understand the journey of another. But we can begin … to be able … to relate if we have an experience that is shared.
To be fully present in this now, we have to figure out how to let go of those things that continue to make us fall into patterns, habits, and perceptions of previous incarnations.
We also need to learn how to not deceive ourselves in to thinking that we are totally healed when we are all a work in progress.
When we feel trapped by our circumstances, I immediately try to look at where there might be a repeat.
If we take this moment of constraint from Covid, and honestly evaluate how often plagues and pestilence has tortured humanity, it becomes obvious that we could have trauma from previous moments where disease was out of control, and many died in tremendous suffering and fear.
Then this moment could trigger past feelings that are uncomfortable and cause us to react in ways that might feel emotionally unstable.
That is why today, with this number 5, take some time to care for you.
Do not overdo.
Stop, take a break, and allow yourself a moment of peace.
That will help us in many ways that will support us in being more fully present in the “now”.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Old patterns are on the rise. We may feel as if we cannot fully connect with our highest self. Things that we believed we had healed or had manifested a solution may seem to fall apart.
Expect others to hit a level of irritation that can manifest as total frustration and aggravation.
Mars and Chiron are in a square, which interestingly aligns with the numerology for today as well.
The word, “Challenging” is the theme for today. And some may feel as if they have had enough and refuse to budge.
Expect moments when total rebellion is going to happen unexpectedly.
It might be out our mouths before we can stop it.
In such times, words roll out in a frenzy of release and plans break apart.
Those manifesting the outburst are going to be unwilling to bend and highly reactive. Negotiation is not going to be possible. Everyone needs to go take a pause and regroup.
Mars will then angle with Neptune in such a way that attempts to find another pathway around a current situation, while those attempts may not be effective, it might cool off the energy a bit.
Perhaps, tomorrow there will be better clarity.
The Moon shifts at dinner time into Taurus and that will take a bit of heat off the situations.
A good dinner that is tasty and satisfying with a yummy dessert is in order. That is a great way to bring everyone back to the table and talk about something else.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Enlightenment is when you can see the truth behind the lie.
Enlightenment is when you see another’s attachment and quietly sigh.
Enlightenment is a door that sees into what makes up a pattern of life.
Enlightenment is a space that will not avoid conflict or strife.
That is because it sees both the light and the dark.
And recognizes that both are needed to make life spark.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When once is not enough …
What makes us think the next time will be better.
When another is determined and wants to put us on a tether.
They will relentlessly try to turn situations their way.
Regardless, if they cause more harm and dismay.
Too often there are those that cannot or will not see.
That life does not rotate around our egos decree.
Forces are at work that have no sense of time.
They keep going whether anything fits into a human design.
We are a small spark in an explosion of stars.
There are things much more powerful than Jupiter and Mars.
Forces of evolution are flowing in the rivers of “Dark Matter”.
They do not care how we feel, nor do they intend to flatter.
Egos that will live and die in a blink of time.
Have little significance in the universal pantomime.
With human eyes, we are not expected to be able to see.
These tremendous forces that intend to gradually.
Move us past our narrow and selfish ways.
Until we can become a light that can be seen in a blaze.
~Suzanne Wagner~