Numerology/Astrology for 2/9/2022
2/9/22 is the number = 17
Add the 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 17. 1 + 7 = 8
The Number 8 is associated with the astrological sign of Leo. It shows the exuberance and eternal light of the Sun. It is the power of the infinity symbol.
It is that light that wants to shine and the power that passion has for creation.
It supports the discovery of powers that are centered, confident, and fearless.
The number 8 reminds us that we all need to learn to sit with our own discomfort.
And when we do (those things that seem a problem) can transform from dysfunctional energy into something else.
Clear intention comes from allowing those things within to sift through and filter into clarity.
Today, remember to be the king of the jungle. Know that if one is the Lion, the king or queen, then we can learn to be generous and warm hearted.
If one is feeling doubtful and insecure, it is best to be willing to give your gifts to the world in small ways.
Within each of us are gifts.
But gifts unused and un-offered will never shower this world with wonder and delight.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon shifts from the steady hands of Taurus into the mentally focused and socially engaging sign of Gemini early in the morning. It feels now like we want to communicate in ways that allow the growth of new ways to accomplish the same tasks.
Variety is the spice of life.
Look at both sides of everything before making a decision.
If you can’t make a decision right now, it is okay because there may be more information that we need before we can manage to find the clarity.
While that might make us feel uncertain, just know that we will also not be alone in that feeling.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Within each of us are gifts.
But gifts unused and un-offered
will never shower this world
with wonder and delight.
~Suzanne Wagner~
During this time of Olympics and sportsmanship.
I wish for our world to embrace honorable stewardship.
If we can learn to care for all of life.
We can turn conflict to peace rather than strife.
In a world where war is too often the choice.
Why can’t sports become the decisive voice.
I wish for war to end and disappear.
Without that, this world will remain in fear.
Why is so much pain necessary for change?
Why can’t truth be the healthy path to rearrange?
It is because some souls do not seek the facts.
They thrive on upset and desires that over-react.
It somehow makes them feel alive.
It makes them believe that when then connive.
They will gain an advantage not offered free and clear.
They do not see, that things are not as they appear.
~Suzanne Wagner~