Numerology/Astrology for 3/12/21
3/12/21 is the number = 11/2.
Add the 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11/2.
The Number 11/2 helps us to see the places where our mind and ego want to jump in and much with patterns that are intended to help us expand. I am always amazed at how my ego tries to talk me out of things that would be expansive and illuminating. Fear is an energy that my ego loves to employ to make me stop, hesitate, and reconsider. My ego (the number 2) has the intention to keep me safe. But safety is an illusion, and life is about risk and leaning into edges that seem just beyond your reach. Don’t let the mind stop you from the possibilities that the universe is offering.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Get ready for the New Moon tomorrow. Leading up to it, we may begin to feel the need to slow down and become more reflective. That is not a bad thing.
We want to open to things that are new and different. The unusual is alluring. It is time to expand and stretch into something outside our everyday reality.
There is a Mercury and Uranus connection that inspires those creative juices to kick into gear.
The Moon is in Pisces, and it aligns with Venus in the evening, showing us that more beauty in our life becomes even more critical.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Meditation isn’t about force or struggle.
It’s about least effort.
Imagine filling a glass jar with river water and shaking it.
The water would be murky and filled with debris.
But if you put the jar on a table and leave it alone for awhile.
All the activity, the sand, silt, and particles would settle to the bottom.
Allowing the water to clear
Your mind works the same way.
Every day we are overloaded with over 80,000 thoughts.
These thoughts can be overwhelming.
If we allow the thoughts just to be.
And bring your awareness to the present moment.
Eventually, the jumble of our lives will settle
And we are able to see more clearly.
Deepak Chopra
~Suzanne Wagner~
I have never forgotten that in my early years, the guides told me that life should be a meditation. And some places and spaces support that process in a variety of ways. Particular mindsets allow for that to unfold naturally. Certain philosophies, once established, help one move from various layers of awareness and into deeper places of knowing. Patterns that are designed to confuse will not allow that objectivity to unfold.
I also love simple equations. The one for today that I share with you all is:
“Passion with Presence creates Power”
What I mean by that is if you are in your physical body and are willing to let the lifeforce inside of you kindle energy into Passion then that energy is allowed to move up the body. In learning how to hold that Passion in healthy containers takes tremendous presence because Passion loves to take over the conscious mind and overload the mind from excitement and stimulus. Once it has done, you make choices based on impulse rather than a balanced expression of that powerful energy.
When your presence can hold and work with massive amounts of energy, then and only then will you have stable and effective power.
Most do not have the experience and personal discipline to be able to do that. In that case, the Passion explodes out but has no staying power and no ability to create effective change in the world that will last.
~Suzanne Wagner~