Numerology/Astrology for 3/23/18
3/23/18 is the number 10. There are new beginnings everywhere. There is a turn in some critical areas and the numerology supports those shifts in consciousness. With the Mercury Retrograde in full swing, there is a moment to stop and evaluate the possibilities and reflect on what has transpired and what needs to shift. There is power in the willingness to change. There is power in the awareness of the change.
Mercury turns retrograde on Thursday until April 15 in Aries. Avoid rushing projects including your tax return. It is easy to forget important things when you are rushing. Also, be careful of driving too fast. Friday morning is better for relationships. The afternoon has Venus square Pluto, a relationship where you might want to remember to not force your values on others. This same aspect supports going to deeper emotional levels in relationships, but doing it for understanding rather than trying to fix someone. The Moon spends the day in Gemini. The Gemini Moon is a type of curious mental energy that sometimes comes across as nervous and a bit hyperactive. This pattern prefers to get information from the light, but a Venus-Pluto square influencing this day might have another idea. This transit can accentuate or stimulate your insecurities, bringing suspiciousness and jealousy to the surface. You feel jealous and possessive when you are afraid of losing something or someone. Fear of betrayal or of not being in the loop about something important can eat at you from the inside out. It can be almost too easy to trigger people in the most sensitive of areas. So, when you get triggered remember to breathe and know that often the other person is not aware of what are you triggers and is not intentionally pressing those points to make you miserable. Expect your social interactions to be intense or at the very least they could provoke intense feelings. Changes in financial status or relationships may occur today. Be aware of your tendency to act in compulsive or demanding ways around others. Mercury has just turned retrograde, and the chances of misunderstandings run high, and perhaps higher with Plutonian paranoia in the mix. You may be temperamental for different reasons as the Sun and Mars will form a square.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I am the mountain lion,
I sit and observe.
I blend into the landscape
As I hold the power of invisibility.
I am the calm center of power places.
I am the knower of truth through observation.
I have no need to prove myself to you or anyone.
I know who I am because I accept who I am fully.
I do not pretend to be what you want of me.
I can only be what the Divine intended me to be.
I wait patiently for the opportunities that I know will come.
And when they come I do not hesitate in deciding.
I am the present moment.
I am the guardian of now.
I am the keeper of balance.
And I am killer of pretense.
I am the Lion of the Mountains.
~Suzanne Wagner~