Numerology/Astrology for 3/29/18
3/29/18 is the number 7. With this number and the great need in all of our lives for structure at this moment I am reminded of the speedy and yet controlled chaos of hummingbirds. AS I watch the 50 plus birds this morning I notice how they are very alert to each moment because they move so quickly. They have to be hyper aware of all motions and actions because they move at such high speed a mistake can be fatal. And yet they are so delicate and fragile even in their light-weight packaging and immense speed. They are their own duality and we are no different. Life is about balancing the fragile part of our nature with our strengths, power, and passion. When those two sides are in balance life can then move more smoothly.
Remember to smile as you wake up and allow the life-giving Sun to help you illuminate the challenges of stodgy Saturn. It is a day where you will fell your age and how you have not been taking care of yourself. Keep the goals small and simple. Don’t overestimate your capacity or energy. Less is going to be more. When the Sun forms a square to Saturn it is wise to take a second look at the things you thought were set. It is a time to review and reflect with the Mercury Retrograde. Notice where you have neglected your duties, and where things need to be put away or in place. It is time to get very practical in your considerations for the future. Make sure you have controlled expectations and manageable goals. It is possible that you will feel a little exasperated and/or distracted. Once you make it into the afternoon it will be easier to take care of business, get some things done and manage situations with more clarity. Now is the time to solve some old problems, make order out of this chaotic moment, and helping others. It is a good day to take care of your health but it might take a bit of pain to move through the blockages in your body. Massage is a good way to go. Release the build up of tension that has been going on for years and find the police as you let it all go.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The world is not fair,
and often fools, cowards,
liars and the selfish
hide in high places
~Bryant H. McGill~
There are so many out there that all they want to do is hate. They do not want to present solutions to obvious lapses or issues. They want others to fix things and they believe that lack of action is a type of action that they want and that will give them what they were promised. How naïve do you have to be, to be that blind. Inaction is inaction. Those that said they were going to do something have not and will not. Those that believe words that are not backed up in fact are gapped and immature in their mental cognitive clarity. The only way such individuals learn is by gross disappointment. Which is coming, is happening, and their minds can only cover up for so long.
~Suzanne Wagner~