Numerology/Astrology for 4/11/18
4/11/18 is the number 8. I am coming to realize that there are so many issues that this country has never put to rest and also has never completely grieved. To grieve you have to tell the truth. You have to look at the horror in the bright glare of your willingness to see what you do not want to see. You cannot evolve if you do not own up to where you a complicit in some way to the suffering of others and the destruction of societies and the world. There are many places that this country is learning lessons that should have been learned a long time ago. But it seems that now is that moment. The truth hurts. The truth is not something that humanity seems to do well. The truth requires a karmic payment of sorts. Karma is about reciprocity and what goes around comes back around. It is the way of all things. Where can you today look at truth that you need to no longer hide from and make up a story about? Yes, that truth might collapse you. It might make you feel unworthy. It might make you lose confidence in yourself. It might make you contract in ways that are painfully revealing. But this is what is needed on a personal level to support the healing of the planet. If you cannot look at your own lies clearly in the face, you are of no use to the bigger issues happening in the world. In fact, you become a hindrance to the healing of the suffering of this world. I know for myself, one of the greatest tools that I consistently use as a marker for how I am doing is deep massage and bodywork. When I go for 3-hour massages, that process literally shows me that regardless of how much I lovingly and consciously take care of my body, (And I am very good at that. I exercise, take herbs and supplements daily, meditate, sit in nature, etc.) I can always tell where I stand because my body cannot lie. That is when I recognize that I can feel that my body takes the energetic hits that my mind lies about. And when someone is pushing on those points you cannot deny that you are in pain and that your body is holding the suffering of your soul and the soul of this very planet. It is only in telling the truth and allowing the hard and painful unveiling of this reality into your conscious mind that integration begins to happen. That is what gives you moral balance and solid emotional conviction to the higher principals. That is what gives you the ability to see through the illusion and other people’s stories that are blatantly false. And in that you can stand firm against the onslaught of their egos storm of chaos that they want to infect you with. You become solid in your own center of truth. From that place it is practically impossible to fall into the ego’s trap of eternal self-deception or hell.
Astrology Today.
Yesterday was that Sun Square Pluto and the energy of that even got me confused schedule wise. It is difficult to make everyone happy and astrologically people have been under such stress for so long that their snap point is very close to the surface. I have learned that in my heart I have good intentions to help and serve others but there are moments when I make an honest mistake and that will upset others. I know that such moments are good for learning humility and learning to pay closer attention to things. But it is still difficult to be “perfect”. Each person is perfect right now. We are perfect in what we have set up astrologically to learn so we can grow and evolve. We are in a state of perpetual growth if we allow it to be so. Know that you cannot make all things work, nor can you satisfy all the conditions that others want to feel safe. Such astrology makes you not know what your next step should be. There is a restlessness as each person searches for the answer to the question that is driving them forward. The strongest drives at the moment are independence and intimacy. But integration of those can be the most challenging. There is a personal as well as global adjustment happening now. And it is not sitting well with those that want to live in the past. The answers that were found in the past are not serving this moment in time and then cannot translate well to the future unfolding. That is because what you believe to be true about the past is unfortunately a story (which means a type of lie) that allows you to feel good about yourself and your choices. With the Venus semi-square Chiron, you see with more clarity than ever before the differences in relationships and the great healing that needs to happen to find personal as well as global peace. The Moon will continue to be in Aquarius until early this afternoon when it enters Pisces. This will take you out of looking for the answer from a place of objective overview and into the place of feeling what was previously denied.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I had a dream that hearts win over ego.
I believe that the truth eventually comes out.
I have always known that history was made by the winner.
And now is the time for that which was hidden,
In shame, guilt, and denial to finally see the light.
~Suzanne Wagner~
From Webster’s Dictionary:
Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense, or a sham. Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one’s own expressed moral rules and principles. According to British political philosopher David Runciman, “Other kinds of hypocritical deception include claims to knowledge that one lacks, claims to a consistency that one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty that one does not possess, claims to an identity that one does not hold.” American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is “the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit”.
Hypocrisy – the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.