Numerology/Astrology for 4/11/2022
4/11/2022 is the number 12.
4 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 12. We can keep the number 12, or we can add the 1 + 2 to get the number 3.
The number 3 gives us a more up … day. We may feel as if we are constantly on the move today between the astrology and numerology. There is a lot of drive happening and it moves us to move towards our perfectionist side. Be careful that our expectations might be bigger than the reality that is possible. Strive for big things but allow for a partial success.
Sometimes the small successes show us things and illuminate those places that we need to address.
While accomplishing deadlines are important and dreaming is supportive for bringing hope into the mix, notice what we have to start with and just be consistent in our approach. Those things that take time are worth it in the end.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon is in Leo for the day and that gives us a joyous feeling with the Sun also in Aries. Fire and fire work well together. So, expect to get a lot done and our attitude might be a bit more sunny and warm.
Later in the day this pattern will oppose Saturn. We are seeking ways to express what we are feeling and finding ways that allow for a deepening of our awareness. But the key is to keep things practical and real.
There are things that will be mentally stimulating today.
We are doing a day that seems to be all around togetherness and cooperative endeavors.
But the astrology may make some feel frustrated and they will intend to delay things and try to block the powerful progression that is trying to happen.
~Suzanne Wagner~