Numerology/Astrology for 4/12/2022
4/12/2022 is the number 13.
4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13. Then we can add the 1 + 3 to get the number 4.
The number 4 is associated with the planet Mars who is the God of War. While this number has a goal and that highest goal is about negotiation, diplomacy, and neutrality, we are in a moment when the chaos of Mars has been unleashed and is causing a horror of logistics and the seeing of the harsh reality that is causing great energy to be expended because Mars always wants to throw things out of balance because that lack of balance allows evil to gain more footholds.
But evil is causing great resistance to surface and many to come together.
Today cautions about what may happen if we avoid making decisions that are critical at this time. Lack of active choices will lead to more dangerous and destructive outcomes that will cost everyone. The forces of Aries and the planet Mars are obvious and that adds to this energy of the number 4. The energy of this number will lack tack and it will lie if it gives any advantage. The key is to keep choices happening that allow for calm and clear decisions. The decisions over the next month and a half are going to define an era.
What will your story be and will it help you uncover that potential within your soul?
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon goes into the meticulous and detail-oriented sign of Virgo today mid-morning. It will feel time to take care of business. While we want structure that helps us feel safe … the situations are very astrologically very difficult.
There is a humbleness that is arising from the sheer shock of what is happening in the world.
Jupiter is illuminating so much that certain would prefer to stay hidden. It aligns with Neptune trying to break the spirit through navigating a type of horror that is unprecedented for a generation.
While both are in the emotional sign of Pisces, the intensity of the feelings arising from the level of destruction and the massacres happening in the world must be addressed.
Many want to help but the level of anxiety that is arising from what is happening … must prompt direct actions that support the voices of truth and freedom. Expect to see changes that are initiated at this moment, but we may not hear about for weeks.
The levels of personal sacrifice of the people of Ukraine are beyond anything we can comprehend. There is so much disappointment and discontent that is bringing restlessness that will eventually demand a response.
Know that we cannot let our guard down at all. Caution is required because the worldly issues are going to continue to change everything in our world.
This moment is a reality check. We cannot avoid what is coming and we cannot ignore details that are obvious. We must not take foolish risks and know that all expectations need to be realistic.
Compassion is the key. Greater depth in that compassionate exchange is required for us to survive this period of time and keep a healthy perspective and emotional stability.
Saturn and the Sun will sextile reminding us that we have to get a plan, stick to the plan and organize others so that they also have a plan. To do that extra effort is going to be required and because of that we will have to pace ourselves.
~Suzanne Wagner~