April 12, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 4/13/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 12, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 4/13/17

4/13/17 is the number 9. In completion (which is the number 9) you must look at what you have been denying or protecting. Often the first step to awakened consciousness is to see your own self-deception before you can see and understand the bigger lie that you believed and bought because of the dark place that you have held inside your heart and soul. Often these places are old….very old. So old, that they have become familiar and you believe they are a part of you when actually they were like a virus that was given to you by another but your body has adapted to but not been able to kill. So, it sits and festers within waiting for a weak moment when it can explode and create a toxic sickness that only the blinding light of honesty can cure. The number 9 gives you the ability to see the infection in your soul and helps you to finally understand that it is at the core of your issues and patterns that keep not working. Often it is a small thing that blocks our success and our spiritual progression. But those small things are critical to finding your authentic soul’s expression.

The Moon is in Scorpio all day, and forms a sextile to Pluto this morning, sharpening your perceptions and making things unfortunately crystal clear. And that clarity is around your own karma and where you have lost yourself and your own humanity. You will see where you have become numb and protecting yourself from admitting you were wrong. It could be a tough pill to swallow. This influence helps you get in touch with feelings and manage them effectively in a more honest and open way. This can create a boost to your intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Expect to discover new information or uncover hidden things that you have not wanted to remember or review. The Moon opposes Mars in Taurus later today, and it can wake you to to where you have been stubbornly resisting change. Protecting your ego rather than what is right and true. The Sun and Uranus move towards a conjunction. This alignment stimulates a bigger change. Expect disruptions, interruptions, new directions, and freedom of movement. Your ego can become awakened but use it to seek new ways to express yourself. There can be sudden changes. The day is infused with pioneering, impulsive, and possibly defiant and rebellious energy. A new cycle of independence, progressiveness, and change can begin now. Know that you will be drawn to what’s unusual or avant-garde, and you might get the opportunity to show what makes you unique. There can be some restlessness and a need for change. You are at your edge and anyone imposing more restrictions will not tolerated now.

~Suzanne Wagner~



“There is no greater karmic burden
then to destroy someone’s hope.”

~Suzanne Wagner~

What has happened to our “humanity”. I call out to all people but especially to those in charge of corporations and big business to recheck what is really important and the bottom line of your conscience. Now don’t get me wrong. I know there are many who run corporations that are good people, (such as Paul Newman – though he is dead) who are not looking at it from a place of greed but from of doing the right thing. But we really need more of those types as a country. We have become a country that cannot admit when it is wrong. Corporations cannot admit when they are wrong. People are afraid to wake up and recognize that they have been taken for a ride and manipulated. Corporations play a legal game to attack the victim and intimidate in order to not have to admit or pay up. They throw big lawyers at people to protect themselves and to wear down the victim and opposition in order to weaken them to the point that they just give up. Where is the sense of responsibility and honesty? Now again, everyone makes mistakes and no one does is perfectly. No one is always correct. But corporations and big business are often sitting of huge amounts of cash and money like petty tyrants protecting their hoard, while the little people suffer again and again. It is not right. What will it take for our systems to change? Why is beating the person or beating the system more important than the humanity of it all? It is not okay to take advantage of those less fortunate and to use people to get your own end. And right now, we have allowed a type of narcissism to overtake our world. We have raised our children in such a way that more and more of them care not for others but only themselves. Even religions separate and pretend to make themselves better than others. That is not what any original religion’s teachings were ever meant to do. Spirituality and religion were meant to teach compassion and understanding to humanity. To teach how to accept all and help others. Even the religions are failing horribly in their duty to teach laws and rules that don’t separate and ostracize. They have become the opposite of what their teachings and traditions speak of. It makes me very sad.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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