Numerology/Astrology for 4/14/16
4/14/16 is the number 9. The number 9 is all about intuition, empathy, compassionate service, and following the flow that is calling you to release the old and embrace the new. A First Quarter Moon occurs at the very start of the day. This is a time when you want to get something going, but you may not know the next step or the exact direction to take. Use the stress generated now to make important changes for your future. There is a trine between Mercury and Jupiter today, stimulating positive thinking. Your ideas are big and your intentions noble. So trust that and follow your heart. You might receive good news or offers from outside your normal reality. This is a good time for short trips, writing, teaching, studying, submitting applications and forms, and coming up with big ideas. Curiosity is stimulated and you may gain new insight into problems. The Moon is in Cancer until 9:54 AM EDT, when it enters Leo, and you begin to look around to see where you have the opportunity to shine, impress, share, and enjoy life.
~Suzanne Wagner~
It’s not about the spark, it’s about the fire.
~Christina Hart~
Yea! I am home to my lovely country space in California! The fog has rolled into the valley below and it feels wonderful to drop into the quiet and solitude. The Universe really knew what it was doing to gift me love and safety in this area. I needed to learn how to stop, observe, and become one with all things and this is the perfect place for me to do that. I hope you too can find a place where you can really rest and recharge. Life it too short to waste precious moments worrying about things that you cannot change. Acceptance is the key. It is important to find acceptance of yourself, your choices, and then to find the perfection in each of those moments in your life.
~Suzanne Wagner~