May 10, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/11/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 10, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 5/11/18


5/11/18 is the number 9. The number 9 is a day that asks you to focus on where you find spiritual comfort. Now, let’s be clear about something. Sometimes certain traditions that you have used and believed in are suddenly too rigid and do not seem to align with your gut instinct. The masculine aspect of God speaks to us through our mind, light, books, philosophy, tradition, teachings, etc. But the feminine aspect of God speaks to us through our gut instinct. Today, notice where your mind and gut are either aligned or not aligned. If they are not aligned that regardless of how much impact you place on one or the other, you are not congruent and something in your world is out of balance. Perhaps you are not practicing what you preach. Perhaps what you want to believe is true is really not true at all. In such situations I remind myself that words on a page were always written by people. And people are caught in the games of karma and are not completely perfect. So, in everyone’s life you have to look at the words someone says and then feel into those words with your gut instinct. People that follow cults do not have that system to energetic checks and balances and because of that they follow people who do not have their spiritual best interests at heart. That lack of intuitive balance causes them to be blind sheep being led to slaughter in certain moments. You must never surrender your autonomy for your own spiritual progress and progression. Teachers are there to give you insights and tools, but they cannot possibly know every configuration that your soul must learn to evolve. Gather the tools and use them with conscious clarity. Be grateful for the help when it crosses your path. But always listen to that gut instinct and remember that without the balance between your mind and your gut, you may fall off the path.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Astrology Today


Friday afternoon, the Sun is harmonious with Pluto. This is the moment to let go of those things that you know are dead and it is time to release into the energy field. Hanging onto such things drags you down and it very heavy. It is a great day for generating new ideas and beliefs to move forward into the future. The Moon is in Aries on Friday and Saturday. So, expect others and yourself to be impatient. The Sun trines Pluto today, so use this exceptionally resourceful and efficient energy to serve the greater good and those you love. Move towards those that intend to help you get to your goals and wish to give you the tools that will help you do that more efficiently. Your decisions finally seem more clear and your focus and concentration are much better than it has been. You can get a lot done today. Reflect on your past to help you see your hidden talents and skills that might be useful again now. It is time to get some skills out of mothballs and back into play. Through intentions and this clarity, any strategy you attempt can be successful. Your leadership skills are becoming more integrated and certain. This has been happening for a while, but it is time to eliminate negative or superficial people and situations out of your life. That is how you will be able to have more conviction and less distraction. The Moon is in Pisces until 8:41 AM EDT, and then the Moon transits Aries. Look for where you can find a fresh start on an emotional level. Later in the day a Venus-Pluto quincunx comes into play, and you may be grappling with issues of power and control or jealousy in your close and intimate relationships.
~Suzanne Wagner~




“The purpose of religion
is to control yourself,
not to criticize others.”
~Dalai Lama~





That spark of light inside of every living things is your spiritual connection to the divine. It is your birthright.
You do not need to belong to a group to have that divine connection.
It has always been there and will never desert you.
Spiritual progression and evolution is measured by your ability to control yourself in difficult situations.
Spiritual progress is clarified when you do not react when others lash out at you and you do not respond by criticizing others.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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