Numerology/Astrology for 5/12/18
5/12/18 is the number 10. The eggs are cracking, and the energy is building up to the big crescendo of May 15th and the Uranus shifting into Taurus. There electrical energy is building up like right before lightening is going to strike. Today with the number 10/1. You can feel the electricity in the air and you know something is going to shift and shift dramatically. What that might be is anybody’s guess but it is going to alter your world in some way. It is a day of power and the potential of change that is driving this bus forward into a new phase of growth. There is always destruction and rebirth. There is always power and potential. You are both and your decisions today will direct that energy into the new reality. Take a breath and leap out of old into the new.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Friday afternoon has the Sun playing nice with Pluto. It is time to let go with joy and excitement. There is a whole new world and experience just waiting out there for you. Trust that the universe has a great plan and move with the astrological impulses. The Moon is in Aries on Friday and Saturday, so choose out of being impatient with others. Learn to live and let live. Others have their own doorways to walk through and you have places to go. It can be a very freeing moment if you just let go and feel into the new flow. Very early today, Venus perfects its quincunx with Pluto. You might be second-guessing your decisions and feelings but go with the moment and find that there is a new type of relationship that is possible. It is time to adjustment and re-assessment what and who you really want in your life. Fears and jealousy can emerge, seemingly out of nowhere, and the places you are still blind are going to become glaringly obvious. So, decide to let go of embarrassment and change your behavior instead. Mercury forms a square to Mars this morning. So, expect communications and thoughts to be aggravated, agitated, and intense. You are going to feel more frustrated, overwhelmed, and potentially disagreeable. Don’t be the person competing for the floor when it comes to expressing your ideas, thoughts, and opinions. You will just make it more difficult to engage in healthy dialogue with others. Step back. Allow others to shine. Let this moment not be about you. And you will find there will be a huge depth and gratitude come your way later. Sometimes it is best to stay silent and be in the background. Mercury will change signs tomorrow, but just before entering Taurus, it aligns with Uranus late in the sign of Aries. You will want to latch onto progressive approaches and methods. Try to not stir things up or shock others with your ideas and communications. Know that your senses are going to be overloaded to the point that you are going to feel scatter-brained, impulsive, or nervous. But such disruptions can cause breakthroughs in thinking and in the quality of the conversations.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Never give up on family.
Never give up on life.
Never give up your dignity.
Never give up hope.
Never give up on loving.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I am off to my nieces wedding in Grants Pass Oregon. We are going down the Rogue River and I am not sure if I will have internet to do my Daily Astrology and Numerology. So Please bear with me as I navigate all this. I will be in touch when it is possible. Thank you for understanding.
~Suzanne Wagner~