May 2, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 5/2/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 2, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 5/2/18

5/2/18 is the number 9. The silence of the number 6 is turned upside down. The number nine is a twisted smile of celebration and joy. That is because the number 9 is all about recognizing that you have crawled out of the cave of your own shadowed self and made your way into the light of a new clarity, holding the treasure of the grail that you so desperately sought. This is the moment that you have something to be proud of. Something you need to acknowledge that you have completed. Some awareness and truth that has been hard won. Stop and take this day fully in and rest in the full breath of your renewed self.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

With the Moon in Sagittarius, you seek freedom. You learn by experience. You explore with emotion. You test the limits. It is no longer about thinking. It is not about finding the answer to the question. You are ready for a spontaneous leap and only then will this day make sense. In this moment, if you remain calm, you can make sense of something that you have questioned and needed clarity on. With the Venus-North Node sextile today use that power and stronger desire to feel the connection and belonging with others. Let the past go and know that you are intuitively drawn to people and situations that encourage your emotional growth. You cannot escape the planned encountered that will allow for your spiritual evolution. You cannot evolve in a vacuum. You need others to show you where you are still hiding from your own light.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Moment by moment
you can restore my faith.
Not in what you think.
Not in what you say.
But in what you do.
And in what you show.
In how you love and in
how you let that love flow.
~Suzanne Wagner~




Do you her call?
Can you feel her touch?
Are you willing to go
and discover that there is so much?
There is a voice in the thunder and in the wind.
It is the whisper of this planets spin.
You are a part of it all.
You are responsible for the fall.
The loss of so many unique and powerful expressions.
They were the answers to all your transgressions.
Each loss is a failure of your soul to fulfill,
The protection and compassion of your goodwill.
It is not too late.
There is still time to fulfill your destined fate.
But now you must awake.
And no longer hesitate.
Because time is changing.
While you are arranging.
And the whispers are becoming silent.
To those to whom your silence is violent.
Change the tone and hear the tide.
Turn away from all your pride.
Face the shadow that the truth has become.
Stomp your feet and beat your drum.
Before you lies a heart longing to be whole.
It is your wound of self-control.
You must learn to move with the rules of life.
Because you are a part of this worlds wildlife.
Without them there can be no you.
Without enough love this world cannot breakthrough.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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