Numerology/Astrology for 5/5/18
5/5/18 is the number 3. Let’s get excited about the wild and interesting life that is yours to create and maintain. The number 3 is the Empress card. The archetype of nurturing and the earth mother. There is a quality today to remind you to take care of yourself and make sure you are eating properly and sleeping well. When you take care of yourself and you feel loved and nurtured you can then love others more fully. You cannot really give to others if you cannot give to yourself. Take a look at how much joy you have stored in your body. Learn to cultivate that more and more fully. Our society is still very negative energy centered. You will have to fight to find and express what is good and kind within you and show that to the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
On Friday and Saturday, the Moon will be in practical Capricorn. Do your best to stay on a practical line of action so you can accomplish tangible results by the end your week. Cinco de Mayo has some very fun emotional qualities but the Moon in Capricorn you might feel as if your energy is somewhat subdued. Mercury forms a quincunx to Jupiter today, and you may face a challenging decision. Your ideas and how they manifest into actions won’t seem to feel precisely right today. You may notice that you are wavering and having a hard time making decisions or getting to any reasonable conclusion. You may overestimate your abilities and underestimate the gravity of a situation or the intensity of the other person’s position. Be aware that while we are in the height of the Neptune in Pisces, things are not at all what they seem and there is a risk if you choose to leap before looking. There are critical details that you might want to gloss over and that would be a disaster in the long run. With the Moon is in Capricorn harmonizing with the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune, aligning with Pluto, and forming a square with Mercury, you have the ability to be both practical and intuitive today. This is great for concentrating and maintaining focus, although in the hours surrounding the Moon’s square to Mercury, you may be easily distracted. There is so much going on you might find it hard to decide what is your next step. Be resourceful and realistic in how you apply this energy and you will be fine.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Progress is impossible without change,
and those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.
~George Bernard Shaw~
There are people in the world who really believe that their choices and decisions are going to impact positive change. But when the mind is rigid and unbending you actually are only a puppet for those in positions of power to do what they want you to do, like a mindless and moral-less army of robots. Original ideas are generated by the free and the fierce. Change happens through the effort of those who go against the status quo or the old habits and patterns of ancestral fears and wounds. Those that change the world for the better always have an idea whose time has come and do not just repeat the mindless repetitive patterns of their disgruntled history. Notice what is your generational wound that continues to cause constriction? Choose to heal that wound rather than continue to feed that monster and keep it alive and suffering. Doing that, you are no better than those that caused the wound in the first place.
~Suzanne Wagner~