Numerology/Astrology for 6/10/18
6/10/18 is the number 9. The number 9 moves us back to take a look at the karmic residue of our past lives and to see if there is anything lingering that needs to be released into the flow of life before you step into that new and exciting space. If you are feeling disconnected and having a struggle concentrating, then perhaps some of your old insecurities still need to be released as you fully step into a more confident place of not just loving yourself but allowing others to love you also. We often connect to others and bond from our shared wounding. But as you let go of the wound you will begin to connect to others from your strengths instead of needing someone to understand you that has the same weaknesses. When you come from that place of really knowing who you are and what you have to give then a major shift happens in how you relate to the outer world and the level of confidence you carry within.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon moves into Taurus at the very beginning of today. Under the influence of a Taurus Moon, you are more aware of your need to enjoy the sensual pleasures of life–eating, drinking, listening to music, and so forth. Shall you be comfortable or take control over your physical circumstances. You will want to make some changes, whether those are around how you eat, your home, the garden, etc. It is time to connect to a greater power of your own understanding. Then you will know what is the bigger thing you need to do rather than the small things that create busy work. Your emotions are steady, and common sense seems to rule the day when it comes to handling domestic matters, money, and work. Choose to allow in change and to not fall back on old habits and patterns, particularly around midday when the Sun forms a trine to Saturn and square to Mars in Aquarius. Watch for stubbornness at this time. The Taurus Moon encourages you to slow down and cultivate patience, as well as to simplify your life.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“Not being tense but ready.
Not thinking but not dreaming.
Not being set but flexible.
Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement.
It is being wholly and quietly alive,
aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.”
~Bruce Lee~
You cannot ignore pain to find true joy. You cannot fully live if you avoid. Life is about being present for it all. The happiness, the pain, the fear, and the anger. It is difficult if not really impossible to hold onto one feeling or one emotion. You have to learn to let them flow through you again and again. You are a panoply of feeling and emotions. Life will continue to throw you, again and again, to teach you that all things are transient. Nothing in life ever stays the same. You may find the greatest love of your life and be blissfully happy only to lose that person in old age and find yourself alone. In each and every moment you will need to adjust to and accept what is right in front of you. It is the ability to adapt and find what is good and challenging in each moment that you will discover is your greatest strength.
~Suzanne Wagner~