Numerology/Astrology for 6/11/17
6/11/17 is the number 9. Step out of what you want and step into the feelings of another person that may be having a hard time at the moment. There are times when what you want and need does not take precedence over someone else. Especially if that person rarely asks for help and support. This is that moment when you need to listen to your intuition and feel outside of yourself and into the greater whole of give and take. Life is about the exchange of energy. There are moments when you feel into the space and heart of another deeply and know that your caring and love needs to override your personal agenda or plan.
The Moon is in Capricorn all day, which tends to create a very serious and responsible mood for this moment. It forms a square to Jupiter this morning and a conjunction to Pluto tonight. While you may crave more order and predictability in your life under the influence of a practical Capricorn Moon, outside forces may seem to be stirring the pot. However, some discontent may result from your own ambitions if they are inflated or from too-high expectations. The Moon’s sextile to Neptune can help you to relax and seek out healthy escapes or intuit your next move.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The emotional expression of the world
is the poetry inside me.
The longing in your heart
is the song on my lips.
The light that you thought you lost
I can still see in your darkness.
The dream that you reach for
I can see you have already achieved.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real deep down YOU is the Whole Universe. And It’s doing… Your living organism and all its behavior, it’s expressing it as a singer sings a song… You are something that the Whole Universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the Whole Ocean is doing…”
~Alan Watts~