Numerology/Astrology for 6/13/18
6/13/18 is the number 3. The number 3 asks you to seek out optimistic patterns and expressions. I personally find that artistic things are the key to turning the heavier thoughts into calmer states of being. Use humor to be enlivening and color your world with enthusiasm, a fresh potential, and the expansion of your soul. With all the intense astrology, do your best to curb the most extreme expression of the number 3, which is a sort of manic state. Do not exaggerate the truth. Do not make things worse than they are. Learn self-restraint. And find how to express your inner peace. This number has a bit of a perfectionistic side. Don’t let it get out of control and make yourself and others miserable.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Gemini New Moon is on June 13. Let yourself open to new ideas and meet new people. This aspect is presenting you with opportunities to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins in the coming weeks. It can help you come to new thinking that leads you in new directions.
Mercury is in a gentle but talkative mood as it is in harmony with eccentric Uranus. This would be the day to step a little out of your comfort zone.
Relationship planet Venus is moving into heart opening Leo until July 9, helping to bring out your creative self this next week. Don’t be bashful. Be bold. Let yourself share on a heart level. There is a Grand Water Trine (which triples the joy and harmony) in the sky now. Expansive Jupiter is in harmony with spiritual Neptune, and they are in harmony with strategic planner Pallas-Athena. It is time to bring your big spiritual visions into the world, and the water element signs of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer advise you to make sure your emotions are engaged in your visionary ideals that help and serve the world. Be careful to not get caught in fantasy.
The sextile between Mercury and Uranus today encourages alternative approaches to technical thinking. Your intuition is strong, and new insights will spontaneously happen. Do yourself a favor and vary your usual routine, you might just discover something that will change your perspective.
A square between Mercury and Chiron later today, can bring your insecurities to the surface and strained communications. You might notice that you are more sensitive to criticism. You may doubt your ability to solve a problem or express yourself.
Venus enters Leo where it will transit until July 9th. During this transit, take pride in what and who you love. Know that you can be a little too generous with your money. So be careful. This is a warm-hearted, teasing, playful and proud placement for Venus. You want some attention, acknowledgment, validation, and adoration during this transit. You can have a high ego investment in your money, love life, and your choices of pastimes. Be careful to not overstate your feelings during this cycle.
~Suzanne Wagner~
A good commander
is benevolent and
unconcerned with fame.
~Sun Tzu~
Many, right now, see enemies all around. But as Sun Tzu says, “Know your Enemy and know yourself, and you will always be victorious.” Presently we are not being victorious because of the constant state of denial we are in, in knowing ourselves. When we cannot see that the external perceived enemy is within the heart of soul of us, we cannot begin to know how to defeat that enemy. In Kung Fu, you must learn to blend with the enemy so completely that you know and can anticipate his each and every move before he does it. In that way, you are one step ahead of him and thus can plan a strategy that will defeat him.
~Suzanne Wagner~