Numerology/Astrology for 6/3/15
Today is the number 8. It is time to accept, admit, and allow your emotional flow. It is essential to allow emotions to flow but in our culture we are challenged to express them in appropriate ways when they are randomly surfacing. Remaining responsible for your experience is the journey for the number 8 day. You can observe and feel intense emotions and express them through the love of acceptance and trust. There is a huge difference between lovingly being vulnerable with what you are feeling and dumping your emotions on others. Feel into that difference today and find a new balance for your emotional expression. When you do you will discover a freedom and inner calm flow your power into a more passionate place in your life. The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until 8:51 PM EDT, stimulating happy, spontaneous, and curious moods. You will be attracted to new situations of conquest or adventure, and require less prompting than usual to “get moving” and to experience life. Bored with the mundane, anything that breaks the routine is appealing now. You take a philosophical attitude to problems or challenges in your life, and in an effort to remain cheerful you could avoid probing too deeply into feelings and emotions. You might benefit from a change of scenery. The Moon enters Capricorn at 8:51 PM, stimulating more attention to practical matters and goals.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The combination of domesticity and wildness – that’s a deep expression.
~Tracy Kidder~
In case you did not notice it this is a tricky month. This is a “show me” month. Yesterday we had a full moon in Sagittarius and with the continued Mercury retrograde in Gemini we feel like we just can’t get some things moving in a forward and productive direction. By the new moon in Gemini on June 16th and the fact that the Mercury retrograde will be done you might feel like you have some footing by then. The Saturn square Neptune pretty much this whole month (at least until the 29th) allows you to re-imagine your purpose and direction. Humility is best during this time, as you feel a bit fuzzy in your thinking so it is best to do the research and build the infrastructure so that you can move in a more graceful way after the 16th of June. Be aware that Mars is conjunct so be prepared for some fairly dramatic pushes and pulls so try to not get impatient.
~Suzanne Wagner~