Numerology/Astrology for 6/5/18
6/5/18 is the number 4. The number 4 reminds you that if you cannot adapt, you will eventually fail. Balance always swings both ways. Hard work is required to bring things into a practical, grounded reality. Use this energy of the number 4 to construct realistic systems of order to help you find the patience that is required to complete the tasks at hand. Patience is easy to find when other people’s external choices are not a reflection to your inner self. In truth that thought is actually absurd. Everyone has their own karmic journey and you could not stop another person from their lessons even if you wanted to. The number 4 is “fate” at work in your life. And fate is something that you do not have direct control over. All you can do is build a strong foundation and stand with others together as a community. In that way all are protected and supported.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Mercury and the Sun align in the sign of Gemini today. Expect a lot of communication and expression of how you are feeling today. This is a powerful conjunction that can bring about epiphanies, illuminate something that matters to you, and can help clear the air. You finally feel as if you know what your heart wants and have aligned that with your thoughts. You might need to be more careful as to what you say or write because words with feelings have a greater impact.
Both Mercury and the Sun are moving towards a quincunx with Jupiter. This can make you feel torn between two ideas or driving forces inside. Sometimes it is difficult to decide. Under this aspect, some problems may come to a satisfying conclusion or decision. It is time to make some adjustments and to let go of old habits so that you can free yourself to move towards new and different experiences.
Expect a lot of mental and emotional distractions as Mercury and the Sun are head towards challenging aspects to Uranus and Neptune.
Venus opposes Pluto, and this can bring intense emotions and attractions with others. Be careful to not get into confrontations with others that bring complicated feelings and fears to a head. You could make uncomfortable discoveries, and while some of these can be ultimately helpful, you may be pushing too far for answers right now. Manipulative behavior can arise with deep-seated personal insecurities or fear of betrayal. So, be as conscious as possible to not hurt others.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Without inner peace it is impossible
To have world peace.
~Dalai Lama~
Regardless of the chaos of the world, you are still a bright spark of the divine. Clearly at this time humanity has lost that deeper connection with the inner peace and solitude that allows for clarity and the co-creation of a world where all are accepted and supported. It is a very difficult energy to maintain over time. But in this world that we have constructed that is based on instant gratification and avoidance, it is no surprise that we are in a time of such intensity. The world has continually gone through such moments for a variety of reasons. But the lesson again and again always comes back to either acceptance of each other or blame for situations and feelings that we have on others. The first causes expansion, love, and abundance. The later causes chaos, fear, mayhem, and suffering. It is difficult to understand humanities choice when the lesson is so crystal clear. But this seems again to be the lesson for those souls who choose to blame over ownership in life. One of the first lessons in conscious awareness is that it is never about anyone else. It is always about yourself and your choices and decisions. Because there really is no “other” out there. We are all actually one heart, one mind, and one spirit, playing in a world of duality and projection.
~Suzanne Wagner~