Numerology/Astrology for 6/6/18
6/6/18 is the number 5. The number 5 pulls you back into the body and into the reality of living on earth. It is a day to keep things simple and to move out of the mind and into the lusciousness of the body. From the physical level of reality, it is often the small things that give joy. The fresh blueberries that you put on your cereal, the cutting of flowers from your garden and bringing them into your house, and the feeding of the birds so that the songs filter in through your screen door are all examples. If you cannot appreciate this moment are not fully present now, how can you fully appreciate the future? It is the dance of appreciation and gratitude that continue to open the portals to good luck and prosperity. When you contract and ignore what is right in front of you, you then turn the spigot down to a trickle. What would happen if you just opened and embraced this amazing world and life that you have been given? What would your life look like if you stopped trying to get things and instead decided to give all that you can to others in the form of love, appreciation, consideration, compassion, insight, support, and wisdom? I believe that then we could create a world that everyone and everything would love to live in. A world that is safe for the children and a world that feeds the souls and spirits of all.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Wednesday can disrupt your sleep and create some chaotic dreams because Neptune is in full swing and power. Don’t think too far ahead, just focus on one task at a time. The Moon compliments today as it strolls through the gentle, fanciful sign Pisces. Mercury and the Sun challenge Uranus and Neptune today, as these two outer bodies approach a semi-square that will perfect in mid-June. What you say matters. How it makes others feel, matters. Expect others to be disruptive on a communication level. So, remember, that they are speaking what they feel, which is often a trigger and may not have anything to do with you. Expect unexpected gifts that can help you understand something in your life more deeply. Especially things that are of importance to you at this time.
Today, use this creative inspiration to move you out of hope into action. You may feel a restlessness if your dreams are not manifesting as you want. Regardless, stay positive and hopeful. Watch out for people who thrive running speculative games and want to pull you into unusual tangents. Things right now are very transitory, and things not grounded in a solid basis of reality may evaporate before you know it. Needless-to-say, such things and times can confuse your direction and pull you off pathways. Don’t let it. Stay the course and allow something to eventually arise from all your effort. We may have a hard time defining what you want and what the next step is. Don’t lose sight of reality or your reason for being here. I know that you literally don’t know how you are going to do your task but not knowing allows for a creative process to show you something new and different. Such moments call on you to increase your spiritual awareness, imagination, and to become inspired. I know that it does not feel organic and smooth at the moment, but this is a moment where you are outside your normal way of manifesting. Such times are always clunky at the beginning.
It is time to sort out what works in this reality. Not the past reality. And perhaps not in the future illusion of your mind. Be here now. Deal with these circumstances and patterns. This is your moment to prepare for greatness. Something will be born and brought forth eventually. Now is a moment to focus on you and what you need to accomplish. Let go of the idealism and deal with the patterns directly in front of you. That will give you a sense of accomplishment that you really need to get back into your own flow.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Yes: I am a dreamer.
For a dreamer is one who
can only find his way
by moonlight,
and his punishment
is that he sees the dawn
before the rest of the world.
~ Oscar Wilde ~
I love the diversity of people and the difference that make up each of us in our own unique configuration of energy patterns and methods of movement. I think that is why I love being a psychic and being an avid studier of astrology and the intuitive arts. We are all so fabulously different. We each have a map of lessons to learn and patterns that we use to manifest and to make things happen. And they are all perfect in their own way. That does not mean that we are all easy to live with. That does not mean that everyone can understand our makeup and how we need to be supported. But it does mean that there is a reason for the challenges and complications that we manifest and live through in our life. There really are no accidents. The more conscious you become and the more you understand your own unique expression, the more you allow others to also express and be where they need to be. I am so happy at this time in my life because I know who I am, my gifts, and my path. I know that I am not here to be certain things and so that youthful incessant striving to be something that is no longer even in my conscious reality. Choices and decisions are made based on things feeling congruent and in alignment with who I am authentically. I do not need to feel a part of other people’s journey because I see it as their journey, not mine. And there is so regret from that either. I do not feel like I am missing out on something. At the same time, I can be totally supportive of their journey and smile and be very pleased that they have those choices and lessons that will help them grow and make them happy. It is such a relief to know who you are inside and outside. To know that my simple gifts and voice make a difference in the way they are supposed to. It is such a gift to see life through the eyes of grace and joy. I see that my personal matrix is completely perfect just as the patterns for others are also perfect. That this life is just one facet of an incredible gem stone that reflects brilliant light and color in its own way. And that way may or may not be attractive to others just as certain stones attract you or do not. In life you can only be the best you that you can be. And it is in allowing the vast differences in others that come into our life to touch us and open us to the marvelous world of their personal configuration.
~Suzanne Wagner~