July 13, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 7/14/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 13, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 7/14/21

7/14/21 is the number = 17

Add the 7 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 17. Or 1 + 7 = 8.

The Number 8 determines the mood, tone, and temperament of this day. On one level we can allow the mood to tear us down or use the emotions that arise to make us better.
Sometimes we have to be pushed to make the necessary changes. But being pushed (whether internally or externally) will tend to bring up our side that wants to be angry and push back.
What if we just skip that part and surrender into what we know we need to do instead? It is okay to be sad, mad, and frustrated. But we are still going to have to do the obvious when it presents.

When confronted, it is our attitude that we might need to question. If we know it is the right thing to do then we should make a choice to stop resisting and embrace the moment. Resisting is emotionally exhausting. Resisting depletes our reserves that will need to be used for bigger things at a later time.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon resides in the intellectual and organizing sign of Virgo all day.

And it will connect in a positive way with Uranus early on to bring more energy to the activities that are needed.
Options may appear out of nowhere and we would be wise to take heed of those possibilities.
What is clear is that the details continue to matter and the tasks are important to complete.

Order follows clear intention with action backing it up.
Situations are making us look at how things are flowing right now because of the Sun and Neptune being in a more positive connection.
Dreams seem something that can and will eventually come our way. If we can relax that will allow those flows to bring them towards us.

This life can have a more fluid and graceful theme if we allow it to take us along this new path.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Order follows clear intention.
But it is important to have
a bit of action backing it up.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Hail to the rebels and those who determined that things could be different.

Hail to those who pushed back when those who promised to protect and to serve, lied intentionally, to keep those who intended to make this world better, under the thumbs of the powerful and wealthy.

That is what all this chaos and subterfuge is all about. Confusing the minds of those who are not skilled enough to know better into collapsing so they unintentionally harm themselves, postpone education, and keep themselves in work situations that allow others to under pay them, demean them, use them, and put them at risk.

Today, we have organic food in every grocery store because of the movements of the 1960’s and 70’s.

Here’s to those who refused to believe the rhetoric being advertised around the 50’s. Such as: “DDT is good for MEee!” (By the way, that was a real advertisement in the magazines.)

Solar energy was kept afloat and alive because of the organic produce farms wanting to implement “clean” energy systems into their products to make them cheaper to produce and then be able to compete in the markets.
Solar was also supported by the “off the grid” movement where people were going back to the land and wanting to live self-sufficiently.

The energy markets have spent the last 60 years trying to undermine the “green energy movement.” But it was the “rebels” and those that knew what they saw rather that choosing to believe in the toxic words of the wealthy.
Those words were designed to pull humanity into the clutches of big oil.
The alternative energy systems quietly, determined that there were better solutions and they found an audience that would pay the extra expenses now for freedom and clean energy later.

It is to the credit of those who stood outside the conventional and refused to conform that we still have certain things still available today.
I praise those who sought out alternative solutions that now have finally paved inroads to save this beautiful world.

It is all about putting our money towards what we believe can help and heal this world rather than spend the money on “B*ll S*it”.
It is a personal choice.

I remember spending money on organic produce when it did not look as nice as it does now.

I remember the moment when I discovered that apples were one of the crops most sprayed with pesticides. That was probably why I never liked apples as a kid nor apple juice. It always had a toxic and bitter taste to it for me. I can never forget finally tasting an apple organically grown. It was smaller than conventional farming, but sweeter and so yummy. And it did not make me feel ill.

So, here to those that stood up … quietly and just kept doing what they felt was right.

That is what it is all about. Truth does not need to be yelled from the highest tower. Truth just needs to be followed from inside our core. We do it because it is the right thing to do. We do it because it makes us feel as if in our small way we can save energy, the animals, and this world. We do it because our conscience tells us too. We do it because we want to leave this world a bit better off than we found it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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