Numerology/Astrology for 8/10/18
8/10/18 is the number 2. The number 2 attempts to take what is out of balance and show the division. It is the number of duality. In life, everyone lives in a paradox. The moment the mind fixates on anything, to understand it, it creates differences in order to define it. That is where oneness and wholeness break down into “mine” and “yours”. It is a natural byproduct of having a mind and living in a world that is half the time light and half the time dark. It is the High Priestess Card in the Tarot. The priestess sees both sides of life. She does not judge either but operates from the place of advisor and seer. She can illuminate the part that you cannot see that is causing the problems, blockages, and emotional trauma. She allows for a spiritual journey to help you discover your truth self. She shows the path but cannot walk the path for you. She can only guide you to your own experiences and thus conclusions. She is the energy of grace, devotion, and kindness from insight. She shows that the material world is never fully satisfying and that only the spiritual world will give you the deeper answers that you seek. But to do that you must go where you are afraid to. You must head into the places that appear dark. You must uncover what you have hidden from yourself. The High Priestess will always help you even if you get into trouble along the path. But she will never stop you from the lessons you need to learn.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
You might feel the choppy waters of the upcoming eclipses. Know that the stress of navigating such waters makes decision making ill-advised today. So wait on the will of the universe for certainty and clarity before moving ahead.
There is an energy of aggravation astrologically. Just don’t let it take over your rational mind regardless of others actions.
Relationships started today may not end well so it is best to stay calm, cool, and collected before leaping into any places that appear to show safety. Hope can quickly shift to disappointment. Restraint is the way to go.
Today is a better day for appreciating what you have and being proud of what you have achieved up to this point. It is a better day to get on top of things, organize, and manage your world more efficiently.
You might be feeling like you are holding back. But again, that is the wise choice under this astrology. Revealing who you are to total strangers is not the best way to proceed today. You might feel a strong need for caution and putting up boundaries that support clarity rather than closeness.
It is wise to attempt to feel into the spiritual connections that allow for growth and depth. What you crave to feel from others is often something that you must discover inwardly first. Then you can explore it more outwardly later.
Move with the pace of patience. Anything else will simply lead to frustration.
There is a tendency this morning to have fated meetings or connections so perhaps go out for breakfast or coffee before work.
It will probably be difficult in the afternoon to focus at work. There is a bit of a feeling empty and vacuous. Don’t worry it will not last forever. If you feel as if someone or something is blocking you, just stay steady and wait for your time to move. This is a day where there are tough decisions to be made and perhaps you don’t have to make all of them alone.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Move with the pace of patience.
Love with the depth of eternity.
Care with the clarity of compassion.
Know with the certainty of the natural order.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The Wizard of Oz – The Poppies