Numerology/Astrology for 8/10/20
8/10/20 is the number 4.
If you add the 8 + 1 + + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 13.
1 + 3 = 4.
I watch the world continue to spiral out of balance (the number 4) and into more chaos and despair. Things continue to swing wildly and some things will not change while certain people are in charge and others stand back and do nothing. Balance requires action and counter action. It is like being on those balancing boards with a ball under the center so that you have to constantly make small adjustments to maintain that precarious balance.
Such things are an ever changing equation as we try to find balance on a ball of a planet moving around itself and then around the sun. And it is also moving through the galaxy. It is a miracle that we can find balance when there are really multiple things to figure out how to align, integrate, and move with.
This moment is adding to that strain. Yes, it is a lot. Yes, it will continue to stress each person. Yes, each of us will learn new ways to balance. Yes, you can do this. Yes, you can learn a new way.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon spends today in the steadying and determined sign of Taurus. You want comfort and a way to feel connected to others.
Monday morning brings a bit of an upset as Mercury squares Uranus. You may feel on edge and over-wrought. You have many things to keep you on that edge. But those heightened senses can be trained to give you deeper insight and new ideas.
Making sense out of intuitive hits is more complicated than actually getting the insights.
Know that speaking out of turn …. will not be taken well in your work environment. Expect some challenges with bosses and those that think that they have authority over you.
Notice the normal routines that are a bit boring. But appreciate the safety and the stability (for the moment) in this very new world that we all live within.
Expect to continue to hear things that are designed to upset you and keep you on edge. We are all learning new ways to cope, process information, and analyze.
The Sun will quincunx with Jupiter and it will make the two largest bodies in the sky pull things back and forth. You are being pushed and pulled between two realities, the past and the future. The past does not fit and the future seems so unstable that you cannot depend upon it. So what do you do? How do you choose? The answer is always to go forward. It is really the only way.
Most problems are not being solved in satisfying ways. Conclusions do not play out as anticipated. Constant adjustments require a highly flexible mind.
You are being shaken up and asked to depend on real things not more things that can break down under the onslaught of the chronic world conditions that are presently upsetting all old structures.
~Suzanne Wagner~
You cannot grow
if you refuse to stretch
beyond what you know.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Insecurity and resistance are really a deeply hidden fear of not being ready, good enough, capable, or willing.
Most people fear being seen in a vulnerable state where they are not in control of how they appear to others.
Learn to say “Yes” to what comes your way. Ignore the fears and put the resistance aside. You cannot grow if you refuse to stretch beyond what you know.
~Suzanne Wagner~